Wednesday, July 22, 2009

well fuck me!

so i'm 24...going on 25...and my first wisdom tooth is just now trying to come in. these things are supposed to pop out when you're 17 or so. everything happens late for me. i started school late. i haven't had sex yet. maybe i'll hit a growth spurt later and end up being 5'10. that would be nice.

but yeah, i was looking in my mouth today and i see a new tooth trying to peek through my gums in the back of my mouth. its so weird. but that's a non-issue cause in about two weeks, that tooth will be gone. my insurance finally approved my teeth removal. so i'm getting all four of my wisdom teeth taken out. they're gonna have to cut through my gums to get to them, but they're coming out. they wanted to take out a fifth tooth, but i was like "does that tooth really need to come out? can't i just get braces to pull it back in line?". so that's what they're gonna do. after i get these four wisdom teeth pulled, i'll get my teeth cleaned and then maybe a few months later...braces. that'll be weird, but we'll see how it goes. just when i thought my smile couldn't get any more perfect ;)

so i'm gonna have this major mouth surgery in two weeks. torrey is taking me. they want someone to drive me there and drive me home. i have to be on some serious meds like a week and a half before the surgery and then probably afterwards too. when i get there, there's gonna give me two different types of anesthesia. one of which is nitroux oxide, which i am so exicted about. i cannot wait to get some of that N2O. i'm gonna be laughing my ass off at nothing before i fall asleep.

but i'm glad i'm getting this done now so i can have it done before i take my new orleans trip. hey, what if i get down there and then want to eat some meat ;). that's why i'm gonna wait a few months on the braces. i don't want to be trying to look all hot and then smile and have a mouth full of metal. i bet when i get my braces, i'll look even younger than i do now. i can see it now. i'm gonna get mistaken for 12 and 13. i just know it.

oh shit! i just realized that torrey is gonna HATE when i get braces. cause that'll mean no more...woooooow. lol. that is too funny. i guess i'll be single for a few months (or however long i have to wear braces for). wow, i never even thought of that. dah well.

well i'm gonna go get about three hours of sleep and then i won't get to sleep again until thursday night. i have a calculus test to study for and that means no sleep until the test is done...which is thursday night. that'll be another 36 hour day/night for me. ah shit.

ok, well i'm gonna peace on out of here.

later bitches.

jenny "ow! what the shit was that!" jenn jenn

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