Tuesday, March 17, 2009

another song that's stuck in my head.

i had an epiphany today...

the bulk of the guys that try to holla at me...since i moved back to atlanta...have been young guys. like between 17 and 20. either really young or really old, like over 50. i can't get a dude my age. today, a dude that said he was 18 (but looked 16) tried to holla. a dude that looked 18 tried to holla. and an old dude well over 50 tried to holla. and i didn't even do anything special today. just wore my hat, my georgia state sweatshirt.

nothing against torrey, but i'm getting tired of all these young dudes. i want an older mna. the next dude i go out with will be over 30. i sometimes have fantasies about being with a married man. i mean sexually. an older married man at that. that reminds me of the time i made out with my manager at value village. i was 19, he was 39. we had the same birthday. lol, wow. it was kind of slutty. i felt kinda bad about it at the time cause i was with someone, but looking back...i don't really mind. it was kinda weird, but still fun.

so yeah, these young dudes need to cut it out. this dude tried to get my number today. i said 'how old are you'? he looked like he was 16, but he said 'i'm 18, how old are you?'. i laughed and said, 'i'm 23 sweetie'. and he was like 'oh for real? so can i call you sometime?" like he didn't hear a word i just told him. i just laughed and told him, 'nah, i don't think so.'

i seriously need to know what to do about this. it's so annoying. i just bought all this mary kay makeup from riche. she sells the stuff now. i'm gonna get her to show me how to wear it and maybe that'll stop this madness.

ok, tata for now.

oh yeah, i don't think i mentioned this yet, but sam got into georgia state (no surprise!). she won't know until next month if she got into UGA yet. i'm sure she will. that's her first choice. she only applied to georgia state in case my dad didn't help her with tuition and room and board (like he did with me). so if she comes to atlanta, that'll be wild. me, sam, and torrey all in the same school. that's gonna be crazy. crazy fun. but she wants to go to uga for their pre-vet program. then after her undergrad, she wants to stay there for her vet school. so i hope she goes there cause i know that's where she really wants to go. but if she doesn't get the funds, i told her to just do a year or two at georgia state and get her pre-reqs out of the way. in the meantime, she needs to get a job, save up some money, and then transfer to uga. that way she'll be able to pay her own way (like i am).

but ok, i'm off to torrey's. i like to call him Salvatore now. he started his dreds. he's been talking about it forever. but now it's a done deal. it's funny, cause he's a microcephalic. i went to having a boyfriend with megacephaly to a boyfriend with microcephaly. j/k ;). it's a huge difference though, no pun intended. i'm gonna go before i say anything lamer than i've already said.

peace out snitches.

jenny "then i'll cut off your stupid face, throw it over mine, then buy the alcohol myself" jenn jenn

Monday, March 16, 2009

i've been looking into gerontology doctoral programs. i'm thinking about skipping med school and just going for my phd in gerontology; be a gerontologist. that's what i've wanted for a long time. i think i might be too lazy for med school. and they do make a lot of money.

there's only a hand full of schools that offer doctorate programs in gerontology. one is in southern california, one is in massachusettes (boston) and one is in maryland (baltimore). i'm leaning more towards that last one. maryland sounds good. and it only requires 69 credit hours to get the phd. they want you to spread it out over four years though. i can easily do that in less than two. they want you to take only like 9 to 11 credit hours per semester, but they must not know 'bout me. i like to take 18-20 credit hours a semester. i'm a gangsta like that. if they let me take as many as i want, i'll have phd behind my name in less than three years from now...if i get in. sweet!

ok, i have english homework; peace out bitches!

jenny "i'll be the iron chef of pounding vaj" jenn jenn