Friday, October 23, 2009

so i didn't make it to riche's game night cause i couldn't get off work. it was last friday night and i was supposed to meet that guy there. not like meet up with him or anything, just meet him for the first time. so since i didn't, i guess he's taking the iniative and requested my friendship on facebook. now, i've never talked to this dude, this whole thing was to be set up by riche.

so he finally put up pictures of himself and...he's ok.

pro: he has green eyes
con: he's light skinned

pro: i get to kiss someone new
con: i get to kiss someone new

pro: he's cute and has a great smile
con: he's a year and a half younger than me

so am i gonna go there? who knows. i think the most amount of time i've spent in between relationships is about two months. of course, i want it to be a lot longer this time around, but who know's how it'll all turn out.

i feel like in my relationship with torrey, i felt like the dude who was kinda like "whatevs" about the whole relationship and he was the girl who was always all emotional and feeling. i don't know, that's how i've felt in all of my relationships...more or less.

but i kind of do want to move on though. i can date around, i don't have to be serious with anyone. and this dude seems...experienced (sexually). so that's probably all it would end up being anyway. i wonder if riche even told him about my situation. actually, i wouldn't mind being with a few different guys. nothing long or serious. just having fun. i like the sound of that.

oh, so i found out that i'm graduating cum laude. it's not magnum or summa, but i'll take it. i got a 'c' in orgo 2 and a "c+' in calculus, so that's not bad. maybe i'll retake those two classes after i graduate to wipe those ugly things from my record. 'c's are for losers. and i ain't a loser. i'm a winner baby. i'm on my way to the top.

so i need to do two of my life goals...or start working on them anyways. i want to run a marathon and i want to go to an open mic and just freestyle. i need to start doing some research about what marathon i can run in and start training and i need to up my lyrical skills so i can go up on stage with my ish. i'm thinking i'll finish the marathon thing before the rapping thing. those are two so totally different goals, but hey, that's what i do boo.

i'm gonna end with my favorite song of all time. i had a quiz on facebook about me and one of the questions was: "what is my favorite song?" and of course i had a gavin degraw song as one of my choices, but guess what....WRONG!!! it ain't a gavin degraw song that's my favorite. it's this 1975 Queen song written by the lead singer Freddie Mercury who, interestingly, was actually a queen (he was gay) and he was like middle eastern or something. that kinda blew my mind. anyways, here's my favorite song of all time and the most geniously written song of all time. it's Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody".

by the way, the band 'the darkness' is like a late 90s, early 2000s knockoff of Queen. the darkness had a song out called "i believe in a thing called love" that sounded a lot like a lot of queen songs, especially like "bohemian rhapsody". i still love it though. here it is:

on that note...good night everybody. i love you. well some of you. maybe.

jenny "and take of that vest, you look like aladdin" jenn jenn

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

so this was my facebook status earlier this week and i got a few responses. the guys that i talked to about it won't admit it, but they know it's the truth. i asked my friend sanjay in my biochem class and he denied it too, but i know what the deal is. anyways, this was what it is:

ladies--if you are dating a guy and you two are not having sex, then you guys are JUST FRIENDS. You are NOT his girlfriend.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

so i took my graduation pics...well i just needed to take some quick pics to send out with my invitations. i'm gonna take the "real" pics next month sometime when i get MY real cap and gown. i had to rent a cap and gown to use for the photos. but they did turn out really well. i'm very happy with them. i'm gonna scan and post them soon.

i registered to take the GRE next monday. i register for my first set of graduate classes tomorrow. i think i may take 5 classes in the spring. i can get this master's degree in just three semesters (spring, summer, and fall) which means i get fall of 2011 off and that summer off before i head to med school. bitchin' huh?

and since i'm graduating in less than two months, i've been thinking about this and i would really LOVE to take a week long vacation somewhere ALONE. maybe i'll go to Roswell, New Mexico. that would be so nice. actually, that would be REALLY nice. i need to look into that. a week in the desert alone in a hotel room. that would be so bitchin. i could fly out. actually, i don't care for flying anymore, so maybe i'll take a train out cause that's waaaay too long of a drive by myself. then rent a car when i'm down there and just relax.

ok, anyway, i'm going to work now. FML.


jenny "that's why you picked a dumb fucking fairy tale name" jenn jenn