Friday, December 10, 2004

another three weeks before i get to see lamar again. i'm so excited. i can't wait to see him.

now that i got that out of the way...i need to get back to school really soon. i feel like i've been wasting a lot of time lately. i need to go ahead and move on to the next step in my life whatever that is.

and just something really random, i really wanna get laser eye surgery. after i get back to school, i'm gonna start saving up for it.

ok,, sleep, bed, now. good night.

jenny "damn that bitch looks good" jenn jenn

Thursday, December 09, 2004

so there's this guy that i always see at the bus stop. we both sit across from each other every night and he finally said something to me last night. but the crazy part is...he started talking to me like i was interviewing him to be my boyfriend or something. he was like "my name is jeremy, i'm 22, i work at the hospital, i catch the bus cause my car is broken down. i live by myself." blah blah blah. i swear, he said all that in one sentence. i would have been a little interested but there was just one thing...he looked just like my brother alan.

he looked so much like my brother that i was so comfortable talking to him. i'm usually all shy when i talk to people i'm not really close with, but i was just talking my head off to him, like i hadn't had anyone to talk to in months. i think he kinda likes me, but i ain't even goin there with him.

but you know, i always hook up with these successful, so non-thug guys. that's what i attract. good cause i don't like thugs anyway.

the funny thing is, there were two really ghetto girls in these tight jeans and tighter weaves sitting near us, but he decides to come up to me in my business slacks and dress shirt and dress shoes and talk to me. that's what i'm talking about. that's the kind of guy i like. the kind that doesn't even pay those ghetto girls no mind.

since i've moved back to charlotte, only guys will talk to me. i can't talk to these girls. i need some more female friends.

anyway, i'm goin to bed.

jenny "fish hook" jenn jenn

Sunday, December 05, 2004

i have been cleaning for a straight six hours today. i was so tired.

anyway, so there's this guy at work and i think he likes me cause i work in data entry and he works over in proof and he keeps coming over to my desk trying to strike up a conversation with me. i'm the only one he comes over to when he comes to data entry.

he does the same stuff lamar used to do before we started going out. yeah, i need to stay away from him. he's not dark skinned, but he's not light skinned either and he's thick and i like that.

this lip piercing is healing so much faster this time than when i got it last time. i think i'm gonna get my nose pierced next.

ok, well i gotta go watch the simpsons. good night.

jenny "i need to blog more often" jenn jenn