Monday, July 20, 2009

i saw this one commercial where the bk king put some shaving cream onto this girls hand, tickled her nose, and made her hit herself in the face with the shaving cream. it made me laugh cause i remembered this one episode that happened back in 03.

we were here in atlanta for our national hosa championships. so akia was here and i was sharing a room with her and raven and fallon. i think we even shared a bed cause i think raven and fallon shared a bed (they're sisters). i can't remember, but that had to be the way that it went.

anyway, it was late at night and me and fallon and raven didn't want to go to sleep yet, but akia was knocked the fuck out. she can lay down and be asleep in a matter of seconds. she laid down and litterally five seconds later, you could hear her snoring sooo loud. so i tell fallon and raven to give me their makeup. i got some ketchup packets and filled her hands with ketchup. i drew makeup all over her face. i gave her a ketchup mustache. it was hi-larious. i could not stop laughing.

then the bitch woke up in the middle of my artwork-ing. and ya girl was pissed! i ran my little ass into the bathroom and locked the door cause i litterally thought that girl was gonna beat my ass. lol, it's funny now. i stayed in the bathroom for like two hours, i was soo scared. i mean, the girl is over 300 lbs i'm guessing...that's more than three of me. it was too funny though.

like two hours later, raven came and knocked on the door and told me that akia had finally went to sleep and that i could come out and go to bed now. so i did. i went to lay down and fell asleep. i wake up like thirty minutes later and akia is trying to do something to me. i think she was trying to put mayonnaise or relish on my face or something like that. so everybody woke up and we just laughed for the longest time.

those were the days. now i can't stand the bitch. we were pretty good friends back in the day. i remember i was in a room with like five or six people and they were talking so much shit about this girl. i remember just being so mad and so angry that they were talking about her so bad.

i thought we were really good friends, but then she tries to hook up my boyfriend at the time with this ugly bitch. it was just like, what did i ever do to her? not a damn thing. she's wack. i shouldn't be mad at her...i should only be mad at the guy for taking the bait. but i can be mad at her cause we were supposed to be friends. she was just a hater though. she probably was just mad that she wasn't me.

she actually had the nerve to message me on myspace or facebook or something a couple years back trying to talk to me and request my friendship. i told her...weren't you the chick that was trying to hook my boyfriend up with some other girl when you knew we were going out? she never responded to me and never said anything else to me since. that's so funny.

i think her having something against me had something to do with me running against her in high school for treasurer of the national technical vocational honor society. i beat her and i think she secretly started hating me after that. hey, i wanted some kind of office? i was gonna run for secretary, but i knew leniqua was running for that too and she had a whole lot more friends than me. i knew i could beat akia, so i chose to run for treasurer. lol. that's so mean.

but i'm sure akia and crystal (the girl she tried to hook my ex up with) are happy we aren't together anymore. good. either one of them can have him. i don't give a fuck. i fought for him for a long time and i look back now and just ask myself why. it wasn't even that serious.

i remember how my ex used to call me "sunshine" and i thought that was his own little special name for me. so i saw a text that he wrote to this girl once saying "i miss you sunshine". wtf? what a tool. and i found pics of him and this girl in his phone. pics and video. all the time! not just once or twice. i was the dummy though, for sticking around.

i'm the kind of bitch that'll hold a grudge. so?

so for torrey to think that i'm the kind of girl to cheat and do that kind of thing when i'm in a relationship with's really a slap in the face. that's not my style. if i wanna fuck around with somebody else, i won't lead you on. i can't even imagine how i'd handle trying to hook up with multiple guys. it's too much. one is enough for me. so i have no idea where torrey gets this idea that i'm some kind of whore or something. having gone through what i've gone through, i wouldn't dare think about doing that to somebody else. i mean, i know i talk a lot of shit, but it's just talk. i would never do something like that. it's just really not my style.

so i remembered all this stuff just because of a burger king commercial. lol. dang. i'm going to bed now.

peace out.

jenny "it's you...McMuffin!" jenn jenn

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