Tuesday, March 25, 2003

well today was a pretty ok day. i had a pretty good time today. i got up all tired and sleepy cause i didn't go to bed til like 11:30 trying to finish up my senior exit product and i had to get up at 5:30 in the morning, so i was really tired. i had to take my biology quarter exam which i know i got at least a 100 on. we did that all period then i went to medical science and we did nothing but talk about our big trip to greensboro tomorrow and through saturday. then i went to get my cap and gown...finally. it looks ok except that i don't like maroon, but it's all good. then i went to lunch to gossip and then on to computer applications. it's a pretty lame class, but i get to talk and gossip with leniqua, which, by the way, i think is one of maybe two of my only black female friends. black girls are just too ghetto for me. but anyway, we talked about everything all period. then she walked me to english, which she does every B day just so she can see lawrence, but whatever. i'm not gonna hate on her. and then i was in english. the class that mitch and tim look forward to i'm sure. they're like in love with me i swear. they sit right next to each other and they both like me. when they both come into the classroom, they always have to come up to me first, rub my shoulder, and say something to me. it makes me feel so special, but really though. they did that today as a matter of fact. first tim came in, rubbed my shoulder, said wassup, and asked me why i hadn't called him in forever. then like three minutes later mitch came in, rubbed my shoulder, said wassup, and did that little smile thing he does every time he talks to me. he's so funny. i did nothing all that class either but sit there and doodle. oh, and darnell said something to me this morning. he saw me walking, pulled me aside, and asked me why i wasn't in calculus yesterday so i told him and went on my way. he really wants me too. but after english, i got on the bus, went home, ate a burger and drank a sierra mist, then started on my senior exit product. it's actually coming along pretty good. i hope i do ok on it. then i checked my email and saw that i got something from lamar. i always get excited when i get mail from either lamar, riche, or leniqua. i love them all. but anyway, that's about it for today. as for now, i'm gonna go take a nap and then get up to do other things. and i gotta make sure to watch buffy and american idol tonight. and even later on...i gotta pack. peace.
