Saturday, May 15, 2010

This road trip to New Mexico needs to happen REALLY soon. It would be so beautiful driving all the way out there, watching the sun set on that western horizon.

Friday, May 14, 2010

My trust in men is completely shot. How can you trust them? They're all the same. They're all after the same stuff and they all lie. They're all the same :(

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I want a microscope. Like a real heavy duty microscope. I wanna look at all kinds of stuff. I need to do some research on whats the best one to get.
I've been having really bad headaches everyday and laughing/giggling really hard almost every night in my sleep. I'm gonna get my brain scanned for a tumor :-/
I think today is gonna be really productive. I hope so anyway. Got lots to do. The more i unpack, the more memories i unpack from Charlotte. Some good some bad

Sunday, May 09, 2010

So i got this tattoo on my finger. Most PAINFUL one yet. I'm having second thoughts about #'s 5 & 6 on my feet (bulls). I can already imagine :-/