Thursday, October 23, 2003

ok, well i'm back. it's been like four, almost five months now. well since june 4th, i guess was the last post, i graduated, moved to atlanta the day after graduation (friday the 13th), and now i'm in school and LOOKING FOR A JOB (Lamar!) it's pretty fun i guess. school is so easy. it's much easier than in high school. and people used to tell me how hard and tough it was gonna be. maybe it's just me and the fact that it's only my first year/semester. but other than that, there's really nothing new with me.

i was gonna dye my hair again that orangish brownish color, but i think i'm gonna let the black grow back out. maybe i'll dye it another color all together. i was gonna go get my nose pierced last week, but lamar and leniqua didn't think that i should do it, so i didn't, even though my sister and my mom both thought i should, but whatever, i'm gonna trust their judgement.

so halloween is coming up. my sister will turn 13 that day, but we're both gonna have to go out trick or treating cause apparantly i still look like i'm 12. i swear to god, if one more person asks me if i'm 12 or 13 again! that really gets on my nerves, seriously. but whatever man.

i haven't talked from a lot of people from charlotte since i left. i miss talking to brim and lang and robert and becky and amanda and everybody. so many people are pregnant and getting married. tiffany is pregnant and getting married, some other white girl had a baby, and danielle and victoria are having babies and getting married (victoria already got married). i heard someone else was pregnant, but i forgot who. i heard greg lawrence was gay, but that's old news to me. i still can't believe it.

ok, well i gotta get back to class. i only have class like on tuesday and thursday, so i guess i'll be doing this thing twice a week now. better than nothing huh? that's right. ok, well then. wow, that was fun. catching up. ok, peace.
