Thursday, January 01, 2009

well, it's 2009. we all stayed home. it was me, sam, vickey, landon, and vickey's brother and his two sons and vickey's sister and her husband. we all pretty much sat in the living room and watched some comic view and then watched the ball drop. it was ok. i just hope next year is a lot more memorable.

so i'm being forced to say this (not really) but torrey says he will not stay with me if i cheat on him. (i still think he will).

moving right along. i've been told by a few guys that i seem hard. emotionless. i don't express my feelings as openly as most females do. i don't say 'oh i love you so much' or any of that. but that's just me. i don't know where it comes from or why i do it, but i'm gonna try to be more 'soft' about it. maybe it comes from having so many brothers and growing up with them. we're just not that way. i was a hardcore tomboy for the longest time until i got into high school. i think that's where it may come from. but i will work on it for the new year.

i will attempt my first video blog in a few short days, so i hope that goes well. we'll see how it turns out.

well all righty then. i'm bout to go cause you ain't even talkin about nothin. yeah yeah yeah, ok, love you to. bye.


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

its the last day of 2008. 2008 was my first full year back in atlanta.

in 2009, i plan on letting go of a lot of things:
i will no longer sweat the small stuff
i will no longer speak/think of past relationships
i will only look to the future
i will try to be more outgoing
i will make "genuine" friends
i'm gonna be a better person

out with the old and in with the new.

vickey and her brother and her sister and some of their friends are going out tonight and they want me to babysit. they want to go to the underground and then go out to a club after that. they invited me along, but the club scene is not my thing. then they wanted me to go just to be their designated driver. fuuuck that! see, if torrey was here, i could have an excuse to go someplace. maybe i'll go hang with riche. i think at midnight, i'll just be knocked out. it's going to be nothing special this year. i've never had a really awesome new year's. they have all been pretty lame. next year, i'm going all out cause i should be a college grad by then. i'll have something to actually celebrate.

i've been really unhappy these past couple of days. when i'm up, i'm really up and when i'm down, i'm really down. i'm feeling really depressed. i just can't wait for classes to start back up on monday so i'll have something to do and be out of this house. i'm trying to look for some place else to live. i've overstayed my welcome at vickeys.

i miss those days when i had my own place. sometimes i wish i could go back in time and do so many things differently. i've been thinking about this a lot lately. me and darnell were talking the other day and he was like, if i could go back that he thinks i wouldn't be a virgin right now. and i was like, i know you don't think i'd give it up to 'HIM'. i wouldn't have even bothered myself with 'HIM' if i could go back. and he said no, not to 'HIM'. he wouldn't say who though. but i think i'd still be this way, i would have just ended up with someone else. but it's a waste of time thinking about the past and the shoulda coulda wouldas cause there's nothing i can do about it.

torrey told me once that if i took too long to give it up to him, he was gonna have to let me go...but that nigga ain't goin nowhere. he's not. i think he'll wait longer than 'HE' did. i know he will. he'll wait as long as it takes. so i think if and when we ever break up, it'll be because of something that i do. i told him i was going to go to the West Meck Reunion and come back "busted wide open, then try to come right back" (like that song) and he was like, then that's it for me. but honestly, if i did have sex with someone else, i think he'd be mad at me for a really long time, but i don't think he'd want to leave me. he would try to work things out.

did i mention that his mom doesn't like me? that's so funny. how can you not like a virgin? if you wanted your son with anybody, it should be a virgin. and i'm a smart, pretty girl...i'm gonna be a doctor. but she doesn't like me. i don't know why. it's all good though. i think she's starting to warm up to me though. it's weird though cause moms generally like me.

geeze, i guess i've had a lot on my mind the past few months. but as of today, the last day of 2008, i'm going to try to keep it in 2008. less than 1 year from now, i hope to be done with Georgia State and making my way to medical school. or i could just stop and work at the CDC right outta Georgia State and still make really good money. but i don't want to think about that. it sounds really really tempting. but since i'm graduating a biology major with a concentration in microbiology and a minor in chemistry, i can go to work for the CDC as a Microbiologist. i already looked up the requirements and I meet the education requirements, just not the required experience. i'm gonna try to do some Microbiology volunteer work this year to cover that. but they pay from like $70,000 to over $124,000 a year. i could definitely work with that. and if i end up with torrey, being a physicist, he'll be making bank too. we could be swimming in dough. but i don't know, i've wanted to be a doctor for as long as i can remember. i'm gonna stick it out, stick with opthalmology. or gerontology/geriatrics. there's this optometrist, Dr. Anderson, that has an eye clinic at a Kroger up the street from where I live. I'm gonna go there Monday after class and see if i can't volunteer there for a couple times a week.

and i have to be taking my mcats soon. the end is so close i can taste it.

i just washed my hair the other night and my hair is growing! my fro is sooo huge now. it's about time.

ok, so it's 5 pm. i'm gonna go take a nap. ttyl.

i'm pretty cheesed off right now. i'm in a really bad mood.

anyways, i'll holla.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008

it's been almost a whole year since i blogged last. that is so crazy. well it's going to be the new year soon and i resolve to blog at least once a week. i say this all the time, but it lets me release some steam so i'm gonna start it back on up.

i wanna try some video blogs too...a vlog. i'm gonna try to experiment with that. i wanna post pictures and just make this a new thing. i've been blogging since i was 17. i'm almost 24 now. it's so crazy how time just flies by. that's seven years. life is just so different now.

anyways, expect to hear from me soon.
