Thursday, July 29, 2010

i don't think i'm gonna block my blog after all. i'll just be more ambiguous about my identity (not so much for others, especially people who want to act the fuck up). i've deleted my profile picture and i'll stop using my name.

also, i think i'll take a little hiatus from posting new blogs for a while. i need to take a breather.

so until then...

kids LOOOOOOOOVE chicken nuggets. and that's a fact! if they're under 5, they love chicken nuggets.
Daaaaaammnnn!!! I've never had this many random readers on my blog before. Uh, i'm thinkng this is going private effective really soon. Ok!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

and i know i said i wouldn't mention this incident again, but i forgot one thing...

lance had just told me a couple of days ago how our exes were playing too big a role in our relationship. how our exes were ruining our relationship. lmfao!! boy was he right!! but only on his part, not at all on my part. so what...torrey left a couple messages on my blog that were a bit iffy, but this asshole was sending his ex emails confessing his deep love for her. what nerve!! lol. wow. he talked about how we need to not let our exes interfere with the relationship that he and i were building. i'm sorry, but he's one of the most selfish people i have ever met in my life. there, i'm done (hopefully!). just one time, one time i want this crap to happen to him, i really do. i want him to see how it feels. it sucks. what goes around comes around. i am a full believer in karma. ok, i'm done!


so vickey knows my situation now. that's embarassing cause vickey has a big mouth. she likes to tell people that have no business knowing my business, my business. but she asked about him and how he was doing and i had to tell her about his indiscretions with his ex. she was like, "wow, i thought he was the best of all your boyfriends. looks like he was the worst. or the second worst. we both know who the worst was." then she told me that i spend way too much time with my boyfriends and that in the future i need to give them less access to me. i guess i kinda agree with that. with every single one of my boyfriends, we always spend sooo much time together. i need to stop letting guys spend the night all the time and not come over to my place. we need to meet up somewhere if we want to hang out and, surprisingly, this is some advice that i will actually take from vickey in the future. she said i needed to be single for a long time and that i just jump into relationships. this is true also. it's just my pattern. i like the companionship. i like being with someone and having someone want me that i want back. but for real for real this time, i really do want to stay single for a while. and she said i needed to just date around more and not jump into a relationship too fast. but i actually did that with torrey and my most recent ex (i won't mention his name again). i talked to them for some weeks before i made it official, but i suppose it needs to be longer than that. she told me how black men are so coniving. true again. she told me i needed to not date a black man and get with another race. i think i should try that. black dudes ain't bout shit. well, most of them, i can't say all. hell, i need to drop men all together and get a girlfriend. but those bitches probably do the same thing as guys do. *sigh*

ok, back to sleep. i slept for the first time (after i wrote the previous blog) since yesterday's episode with my ex. sleep does a hell of a lot of good. i feel scores better than i did since yesterday and for the first time since then, i know i'm gonna be just fine.

ok, gonna take a nap then do some homework. ttyl.
