Friday, February 15, 2008

i've learned tonight that, for such a small body, i have a very high tolerance of alcohol. i can never seem to get myself drunk. sure, i may have felt a little bit buzzed in the past, but i can't even get myself really tipsy. what's the deal? there are cases of smaller girls who can outdrink men. i think i may be one of them.

i was drinking champagne tonight and vickey was too. she drunk half of what i drank and she was getting a buzz. i drank way more than her and felt nothing.

d'ah well (yeah, i snatched that one from torrey).

peace out.

i masturbated three times today.

i love my boyfriend and everything, but homeboy is J-E-A-L-O-U-S! for whatever reason (i guess cause i have a lot of guy friends), he thinks i'm stepping out on him which is so funny cause i am like the most faithful, honest person i know. anyone who really knows me knows that. i don't like and cheat. but it's so ironic cause i just got out of a relationship where i had a lying, cheating boyfriend, and now i'm in a new relationship where he thinks i'm the one that's lying and cheating. boy stop! i ain't "stunting" him like that. he hates when i say "stunting". lol, it's so funny. he's so spoiled.


gotta go. peace out.

so the other night, there was a stalker peeking through my window.

i was laying in bed watching "the gauntlet III" and studying for my chemistry quiz. since i was studying, i had the tv muted so i could read. after a while, i heard some crunching outside my window. i hear it every once in a while because there's a lot of squirrels and cats around the neighborhood. so after a while, i realize that its not an animal, that someone is out there. so then i think its some hoodlums who always try to go and stay in the empty house next door. but usually, when i hear them, they just walk straight on back to the back of the empty house next door and just chill out there. so i hear this crunching. i hear it walking towards the back, but then it stops. it stops for like 20 seconds, then i hear it moving again, up closer. the first time, the crunching stopped at my first window. the second time, it stopped at my second window. i was like, "some motha fucka is looking at me right now through these windows". so i casually pop myself up like i forgot to get something out of the living room and walk into the living room where vickey is. i asked her if she heard some noise outside. i told her that it sounded like someone was walking around the house. then she told me that as i was walking into the living room, she heard someone running from the side of the house and out toward the street. so some creep was peeking through my window and saw me get up, so they ran away. SCARY!!! there are some real freaks in this world, i swear to god.

so the moral of the story i'm gonna go ahead and get that stun gun i had been wanting. my brother cj was telling me that anyone could buy a stun gun...without a permit. so i looked them up and you can get them on ebay at pretty reasonable prices. they're small and look like cell phones. they also range in strength/voltage. they have some as low as 200,000 V and some as high as 1.3 million Volts. i'm gonna go ahead and get the 1.3 million volts taser. and i will keep it on me at all times.

i told torrey that i was gonna get one and that i was gonna test it out on him, but he doesn't want to be my guinea pig. he doesn't realize that it wasn't a choice. he's gonna get got. actually, i need to video tape it and then put it on my myspace page. yeah, that sounds like a really good idea. i'll probably even put it up on youtube.

anyways, me and torrey are doing our valentine's day stuff tomorrow. i'm so excited. it's gonna be great.

and i'm thinking about going to charlotte for my spring break in a couple weeks. i'm not really sure yet. it's either gonna be that or florida. this is going to be my last break for a while, until fall cause i'm gonna be in school full time this summer. but i have to go somewhere for spring break. charlotte would be cool, cause there's a few people who want to "visit" with me and sam will be there and my family and josh would probably come down. but, i haven't seen my mom in over a year. i would like to see her and my brothers and my sister. but i always go to see them. they have never once came to see me. i don't know yet. i have about a week or so i guess to decide what i want to do.

oh yeah, i didn't win that gavin degraw thing because on the last two days of the auction, they added the stipulation that the winning tickets were for his new york shows only. and they don't include the price of travel and hotel and all that good stuff. so i guess it wasn't meant to be. but one day, me and gavin will have our day. there's this contest on his fan website (yes, i am an official member of the fan club, how lame am i?) anyways, the contest is that the top five people to post his new song on any and every website that they visit will get a personal phone call from gavin degraw himself. OH-MY-GOD! i need to jump on that. that's so wild. the contest ends on march 17 and you're supposed to write up this log of where and how many times and different places that you posted his song widget. they go back, verify, and pick the top 5 winners. that can't be too hard i think. i'm gonna go for it. i need this.

oh god, i'm gonna be 23 in two months and i have a 20 year old boyfriend. uugh! lol, i feel like such a slut. oh well! being a slut is feeling pretty good right now. this younger man thing is all right. i'm digging it. gosh, we've been dating for like 4 months now. he keeps referring to us being together in the future. he's a physics major and today he was telling me about some research he was trying to apply for. he was going on and on and i told him that i was just bored to tears with what he was talking about and he said, "oh well. you're just gonna have to put up with it. that's all you're going to be hearing out of me for the next two years." and i was like "how do you figure we'll still be together in two years?" he is so optimistic. but i've learned not to count on anything like that. just gotta take each day at a time. but it's cool that he's really invested in it. i won't hold my breath though. just trying to keep it real.

but seriously though. i'm still trying to get down to 100 lbs. i want to get there by this summer so i can rock that two piece...if you know what i'm saying.

and i cannot believe that i'm about to be a 23 year old virgin. every year, i always say that this will be my last year as a virgin, but it just never works out for me. but being 23 and a virgin isn't that serious. there are far worse things to be. gosh, at 23, i should be married with kids already. i'm just so ripe and fresh for the picking. but i guess god has some grand plan for me. and everyday, i'm starting to realize that more and more. god has a plan and a reason why my life has been what it has been and why things have happened to me and why things will happen to me. i don't know. i've been feeling like i really need to go to church and hear the word and all that good stuff. they say the older you get, the more religious you get and i'm starting to feel that now. i think five years from now, i'll be a completely different person and i think i'll be so happy.

ok, my head is banging now. i'm gonna roll out. peace.


Thursday, February 14, 2008

hey, it's ya girl jenny.

lol, that was so dumb.

anyways, today is valentine's day. i have class all day (from 8 am to 10 pm) so me and torrey aren't celebrating until this weekend. we're gonna give each other our valentine's stuff on saturday then he's gonna take me out. see, this is what i'm talking about. this is normal boyfriend-girlfriend stuff. some dudes get it and some dudes just don't get it.

anyways, i was looking into what i might want to do about school. i'm thinking about skipper the med school thing since i probably won't be getting into the school that i want to get into and just go get my phD in gerontology and become a gerontologist. they make up to $250k a year. i can work with that. that's what i wanted to be initially. so now i have to find schools that have doctorate programs in gerontology and there are not that many of them. most of them are in california, some in oregon and washington, so more than likely, if i don't go to med school at morehouse, i'll be moving to the west coast in the next 2 to 3 years. i'm kinda excited about that. i'm gonna go talk to my advisor tomorrow about what i can do.

anyways, i'm gonna go ahead and drop landon off and head on up to school.

i'll holla.

love, jenny