Friday, July 15, 2005

oh yeah, i had this dream last night that my teeth were all small and yellow and i pulled a couple of them out and they were sore and there was all kinds of caked up yellow tartar in between my teeth and they were just oozing. it was so gross. i think i dreamt it because i watched extreme makeover that night and this one lady had really small yellow teeth.

i hate it when people have all that caked up yellow tarter between EVERY tooth EVERY they don't brush their teeth! that's so gross! i know a couple people like that. my friend lance's teeth are like that. i know they can brush, floss, pick or do something to that shit. it's just so bad to look at. so sickening. i try to look in their eyes when i talk to them, but my eyes drift down to their teeth. i find that i always look at a person's mouth when they're talking. i don't really looking into their eyes. i like to look at their teeth, their lips, whatever. i like teeth and lips. nice teeth and lips. can't stand really really really big lips and ugly, dirty teeth.

so yeah, just came back for that, holla!

today is my last day with my sister. she goes back home today. she's been staying with me for the past month though. it's been so much fun. i'm gonna be so lonely again. and then josh started a new job so he'll be gone too. so it's just be me and the dogs. i'm thinking about giving the chihuahua away and getting a puppy. a puppy shi-tzu. a boy that i'll name fred. yeah.

i want to get a truck. i big full cab truck too, that seats 4 people, two in the front and two in the back.

well, i might be getting fired today, i've been making so many mistakes lately. my boss's boss got really mad earlier this week at all the people making errors. today is the big error meeting. hopefully i'll still have my job next week. if i don't blog on monday, then that's what's happened. i got cut.

i'm thinking about cutting my hair into a mullet. or a mohawk. but what's cool about my hair is that i can make a mohawk without having to cut my hair. i think i'm gonna wear one this weekend. it'll be crazy. i'm so friggin lame. no, maybe i'll get one of those really short boy cuts. not like fade short, i wanna have some hair, but really really short. the guys would stop harassing me then, or would they?

and i'm gonna try to get that lasik eye surgery before the year is over with. i really want that. to be able to see without wearing contacts or glasses. that would be cool.

anyway, gonna work now before i get caught on the internet. peace!


Thursday, July 14, 2005

my job got threatened again yesterday. my boss had this whole big meeting with everybody saying our errors have to go down or we have to go.

so i've restarted my search for another job. i've been invited to go live in texas with my stepmom, she's supposed to be going there. i'm thinking about it. it sounds all right. when i lose my job here, i'm definitely getting out of charlotte. thinking about going to atlanta too, so it's all good.

ok, not much else to talk about, holla.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

i'm thinking about getting that simpsons tattoo really soon. like in the next couple weeks. i think i might get it in my upper chest region. we'll see.

i've been watching a lot of documentaries lately. that's all i did over the weekend. i watched this one where they showed the facts how hitler was gay. but i don't know, the evidence on that wasn't that great. and i saw a few forensic files type documentaries. i saw some about people living with aids, gay white dudes who had like four black kids, all kinds of crap. they make all kinds of documentaries about anything. if i could make a documentary, it would show how much food fast food places throw away every single day. it's crazy. for the two days that i worked at bojangles, every night, they throw away pans and pans of food. they didn't let us take it either cause they said employees would start to make extra food to take home. it was such crap, but with all the food these places throw away every day, every year, they could be feeding millions of people. seriously. it's so bad.

but anyways, i gotta get started on these reports.



Tuesday, July 12, 2005

you know, i hope i don't get any obscene comments on this thing again, really now.

my driving is getting so much better. better every day. soon i'll be able to go out and about as i please. go hang out with some folks i hadn't talked to in a while (brim, lang, raven, fallon) whatever.

i hate it when guys don't get the point. this one dude at work keeps trying to invite himself over to my apartment for me to cook for him. first of all, he's 28, he's ugly, he has the most nasty looking teeth i've ever seen, and he's shorter than me. then, he doesn't have a car, doesn't even have a license, so he wants me to pick him up to hang out with me. i don't think so. every day, i get the same email..."what you doing tonight?". uh..."i'm going to bed, i'm tired." everyday, it's the same email and i always give the same answer. when will the dude learn?

but this one dude at work is supposed to be taking me fishing sometime, but i don't know if that's gonna work out. he's the same dude that thinks i like him. the one that thinks i'm gonna change my hair for him. yeah right. he needs to get over himself. he's short and not even that good looking. i don't like short dudes. i'm short enough, i don't need anyone under 5'10. seriously.

well, ran out of stuff to say. gonna fire up this atlas so i can get started with these reports.


Monday, July 11, 2005

oh yeah, dkj, i haven't forgotten about you, i just have a problem with calling people and staying in touch with people. i'll call you. you can call me though you know. i'm always at home. come on now.

thinking about old memories with darnell in high school. calculus class (when i was scarred for life), debate tournaments (when i blasted you in that one debate when we went against each other), wendy's (i wiped your lip). really wish i could go back. darnell is the only person i talk to regularly from west. he's the only one who wanted to keep in contact with my anyways. that's so special.

anyways, can't be reminiscing at work. the number one rule here at TransUnion is "NO FUN!". we're not allowed to have fun, so i better go, holla.

i almost killed myself twice already trying to drive my car. once on friday and once on saturday. not on sunday cause i didn't drive it on sunday, but i'm sure today i'll do it again. but i am getting better every day.

so i need to make a little extra money to pay off old debts when i came up with this really good plan. i'm gonna auction off my virginity on ebay. i've already thought it out and the highest bidder gets to be the first one in my goodies. i think it'll go well into the five digits. then i'll have my schoolin paid for. i gotta contact ebay first to see if it's legal. i'm pretty sure it is. no, it's not prostitution! anyway, as soon as i get the details, i'm going for it.

ok, well i'm gonna start working now. i'll holla.
