Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Super late night at work and I just want to come home and crawl in bed with bae. But he's not here yet 😭 3 more days 

Monday, September 05, 2016

So...they have this heart shaped nipple surgery thing and...I want!! So badly! I think it's so hot. Maybe for my next birthday? 🤔

Can't sleep. In a blogging mood. 

But I guess I've said all I came to say. I've gotten less loquacious in my old age. 


1 month down here in Crownpoint, 11 more to go. I miss my Memphis family! 😭😭😭 Where me and Lance will end up, I have no idea. But we're in this thing together. 

This res is nice, but I'm a city girl. I'm trying to appreciate the scenery, the desert. It's cool.

I was thinking about Princey the other day 😢

It's funny to see what paths we take in life. Like, 5 years ago, would I have imagined myself here? No. Not even 2 years ago but here I am. 

Still have lots to do. Miles to go before I sleep.  

Sunday, September 04, 2016

This time next week, I'll be a married woman 😳