Saturday, November 29, 2003

so i went to work last night and i had a pretty good time i guess. i went to work like 30 minutes early, so i went intot he Big Lots next door. i went to look around but wound up getting a pair of gloves and some barettes for my hair. so anyways, i'm looking at the barettes and i hear someone say "psst...jennifer". so i'm like, what the "H" word? i look up and my friend vlonerius from the bus and train is there behind the counter. i got my things to pay for them and he tells me that he works there now and i told him that i work just right next door and he sounds all surprised. so we talk for a little while and he's like, well i'll see you around cause i told him that i had to be at work in a few minutes. so i went to work and then like an hour before closing, i'm doing section C cause i finished my section early (section B), like always (everyone in the store knows i'm the fastest to finish my sections...what what!) when someone comes up from behind me and scares the crap out of me. i think it's just mike just trying to scare me and i turn around and it's vlonerius. i was so friggin scared. i was like, what the "h" word are you doing (i actually do say "h" word and "f" word...i'm such a crudmuffin). so anyway, i was like, "are you on your break or something?" and he's like, "no, i just wanted to see what you were doing." aww. he was all asking me what time i got off work and stuff. he totally wanted to hang out with me afterwards i think, but he didn't get around to asking me cause he had to get back next door to work. he's such a cool guy. he's a junior at moorehouse and he wants to be an actor, but i think he's just studying business at school. how come i can't make friends with people my own age, it's always older people here in atlanta. all these older guys are coming up to me. this guy mike s., little mike, my boss bruce...all from work and vlonerius all like me. mike s. is 24 with 2 kids, dark skinned with four gold teeth. little mike is a 17 year old high school senior (i already did the younger guy thing and don't like it) and bruce is my boss. he's like in his mid 30s (gross!) vlonerius and i met on the bus and train and he has a girlfriend, but he still tried to get my number. i swear, guys these days. anyways, i gotta get ready for work now. oh god, mike s., little mike, bruce, and vlonerious i think all work tonight. i better put on some i'm just kidding. bye for now. holla.
