Friday, October 30, 2009

Normally, i would be at work right now, but i'm walking around downtown atlanta all alone trying to find some trouble to get into.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

so here's the thing. i want to start dating other guys. i'm single now. i've been single for a while. me and torrey really started having problems i think starting this past summer, so i've basically been single since then.

but the thing is, i can't stop thinking about torrey. i don't think we're gonna work out in the end. we're just on two totally different pages and i don't want to put time and energy into something that won't work out in the end, but i can't stop thinking about him.

on another note, i was walking into work saturday night and there's this guy lying on a couch in the lounge. as soon as i walk in, he woke up and i asked him if he had a good nap. then he tells me to come here for a sec. he had seen me in the break room a few weeks back and wanted to talk to me but didn't get a chance. anyway, he's 31 and he gave me his number. he wants me to call him so he can take me out. he said we could just try one date and if i didn't like it, well at least i'd get a free meal out of it. and i've always been talking about getting together with an older man (finally!). but i don't know about that. i don't even know the dude. we'll see.

and there's this guy riche is trying to hook me up with. he's befriended me on facebook and struck up a introduction and a conversation with me. that's cool.

and then, well, i won't go on.

but the thing is, i can't stop thinking about torrey. but i must move on. but i'll feel kinda bad about moving on cause i know torrey is still in love with me and he's not moving on just yet. so, i don't know, should i put off with dating someone new until he starts dating someone new since i am the one who broke things off? that would be the right thing to do right?

and then i feel like it's not gonna work out with me and some other dude and by the time i realize that i need to be with torrey, he'll have already moved on.

anyway...ok, good night.

-jenny "hold him jimmy's brother" jenn jenn

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh my god! The most glorious idea just came to me. I'm gonna make pot brownies next weekend! Oh thats gonna be so sweet. I don't have to work either...YES!