Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I have not gone to see a movie in months. After all these exams i have in 2 weeks, i'm gonna go. Probably alone, but i'm definately going see something.
two things that just ain't right:

"can you feel me inside of you?" just the way she said it was soooo creepy.


lol, "put it in me scott." that just ain't right. that was such a gay oven. i didn't even know ovens came in gay.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

so the thing i'm really gonna hate when torrey starts seeing somebody new is the fact that he's gonna cook for her. he's only supposed to cook for me. i've beenthinking about that lately and i'm not feeling that.

on another note...i think one of the reasons that i haven't had sex yet is cause i think i'll feel like such a dirty whore afterwards. like, i can't even imagine myself doing it. but like torrey said, there's not gonna be this magical moment where i just decide that, "hey, this is the moment. i really want to do this right now." cause that moment probably ain't gonna happen. i just need to commit to do it and let that be it. no second guessing it, no waiting on lord knows what.

it's just like, geeze louise. i'm gonna be 25 soon. that's 5 years til i'm 30. that's just unacceptable. i gotta make some changes...gotta make some things happen.

oh, and what i meant to talk about last time...
--i volunteered monday and had the best day all because of one little boy. i was at the IDP doing my volunteer thing and this little boy walks. he was like 4 or 5. so as soon as he walks in and sees me, he just smiles and waves at me. it was so cute. that was really the highlight of my day, my week even. it was nice.

ok well i'm sleepy now and i need to take a nap before work.

oh yeah, one more thing. so riche is trying to hook me up with another one of her friends. i told her that i MIGHT not be able to go to her halloween party where i'm supposed to meet this guy, so she's set up another little event at her place that she invited both of us to (and 15 other people). it's like an old school game night. scrabble, monopoly, twister ;) stuff like that. i really wanna go, but it's on a friday night. i work friday nights. i'm thinking about just going in to work late that night and going to riche's thing. it's usually slow friday nights anyways. i'm excited.

ok, ttfn.

jenny "you don't have any of your cop friends to help you keep your booze now" jenn jenn
really short guys bug me. i'm only 5'3, so whenever i see a guy my height or shorter, it bugs the crap out of me. i was walking behind this grown ass man the other day going to the train station and i could literally see the top of his head and all i could think was......

jenny "i got a boner!" jenn jenn

Monday, September 28, 2009

Off to work..... FML.
I'm jizzing in my pants for this halloween costume i'm about to get. It's gonna be hotttt!
so it's 2 in the A. M. and i'm watching the outer limits. every time the outer limits comes on, i think about lamar. i don't know how the two got mixed together. i think its cause when i was living in my apartment in charlotte, i loved watching that show. i saw like every single episode and i could not get enough of it. i don't know, i guess i equated watching that all the time with lamar always being around. cause most of our relationship had been long distance and it was finally like a "real" thing, but i guess it wasn't really the "real" thing. i can't even watch the outer limits anymore without getting bad vibes. thank goodness i've seen them all already. that's funny how our minds equate two completely irrelevant things. like, i wonder what triggers lamar to have a thought about me. it's probably when he sleeps with a new chick. lol, that's funny. it's sad, and it's funny. for me, it's the outer limits and for him, it's sex with some chick.

anyways, now i'm watching superbad and i'm going to bed. there was something i wanted to talk about, but i can't remember what it was....

oh, now i remember. ok, so we were supposed to go to new orleans for the halloween weekend but like 7 people backed out and so now the trip is cancelled. riche is gonna throw a halloween party again instead. i'm not sure if i'm going yet cause that's sam's birthday and vickey wants to throw her own halloween costume party. and i have the perfect costume that i need to go get made. it's gonna be hot. i was a hooter's girl a couple years ago, but this is definitely gonna top that.

so apparently, riche has this friend that wants to holla at me...again. lol, hey, i can't be mad at that. riche always has a friend that wants to holla at me. he's light skinned and has green eyes. first of all, i already told riche that i don't care for light skinned dudes, so that's the first strike. second of all, if it's one of riche's friends, i'm kinda skeptical about that. riche's very promiscuous so i'm assuming that this guy is the same. third of all, i just got out of my relationship with torrey and i just want to stay single for a while. but on the other hand, there are some positives to it...i get to meet a new guy. riche is the one to hook me up with daniel, and he's one of the straightest people i know. he has green eyes. that sounds so sexy. i don't know. we'll see if i show up or not. i'm excited about the possibility of kissing a new guy. i like kissing. i don't have sex, so kissing it my release you know? but i don't know how long the hand holding and kissing will go with one of riche's friends.

i swear, before this is all over, there's gonna be a long list of guys who are pissed that they didn't get to sleep with me. lol, oh well! i let every single one of them know from day one what my situation is. it's their decision to stick around and get their feelings, and mine, hurt in the end. that's exactly why i need to stay single.

i just wish there was a guy who didn't want least right now. i will never ever ever ever find that and that sucks. but that doesn't mean i can't have fun kissing guys in the mean time, in between time.

and in case you can't and torrey are still broken up.

oh, Gym Class Heroes is gonna perform at georgia state in a couple weeks and i am so excited. i have their album "as cruel as schoolchildren" on vinyl and it's blue and i love it. travis is soo cute. i can't wait to go. me and sam are gonna go see them and hundreds or thousands of other georgia state students. torrey didn't want to go. whatevs! even though we broke up, i still talk to him. we're still gonna be friends. i doubt we'll be friends though once we start seeing other people, but i like where it is now.

i'm starting to develop a crush on seth rogen. but the chubby seth rogen and not the new, fitter seth rogen.

ok, those were just a few things i had to get off my chest. now it's sleepy time.

good night.

jenny "does your mom still have any of those pizza bagels?" jenn jenn