Saturday, December 06, 2003

leniqua is my bestest friend. i can talk to her about anything. she's so cool, i love her.

so anyways, here's our latest escapade.

Bkgirl66: hey
Bkgirl66: what are you still doing up
JennWitch15: wassup chick
JennWitch15: just chillin
JennWitch15: shopping on ebay
Bkgirl66: what the hell are you buying on ebay
JennWitch15: parrot earrings
Bkgirl66: don't you have some already
JennWitch15: yeah, but i'm getting like 20 more different pairs
Bkgirl66: why
JennWitch15: i'm collecting them
JennWitch15: l-dub?
Bkgirl66: yeah
JennWitch15: what's up shawty
Bkgirl66: nothin' nothin'
Bkgirl66: just chillin'
JennWitch15: i feel ya
Bkgirl66: what are you doing
Bkgirl66: still trying to add to your collection
JennWitch15: yeah
Bkgirl66: fun
JennWitch15: it really is
Bkgirl66: you're funny
JennWitch15: hey, everybody collects things
Bkgirl66: yeah I collect guys numbers
JennWitch15: lol, i'm so sure
Bkgirl66: no I'm joking
JennWitch15: uh huh
Bkgirl66: actually right now, I'm trying to get with this guy that goes to state
Bkgirl66: I like him alot
JennWitch15: aww
JennWitch15: good
Bkgirl66: he graduated from garinger
JennWitch15: uh oh...garinger what what!
Bkgirl66: he's really funny
Bkgirl66: he trips me out so much
JennWitch15: aww
JennWitch15: that's good
JennWitch15: i'm so proud of you
Bkgirl66: he's alot like me
JennWitch15: oh yeah?
JennWitch15: what's his name
JennWitch15: lawrence?
Bkgirl66: ha ha ha
JennWitch15: justin?
Bkgirl66: NO
Bkgirl66: def. not
JennWitch15: uh huh
Bkgirl66: his name is Xavier
JennWitch15: oh god
JennWitch15: two ghetto names together
Bkgirl66: what
Bkgirl66: what the F
Bkgirl66: get up off my man
JennWitch15: you know
JennWitch15: child boo
Bkgirl66: how is Xavier ghetto
JennWitch15: it's ghetto sweetheart, ok, and you know it
Bkgirl66: no I know some ghetto-ass names
Bkgirl66: I mean I know my name is ghetto
JennWitch15: and xavier is too
Bkgirl66: but what do you expect, my mom was young and from brooklyn
JennWitch15: uh huh
Bkgirl66: but I don't think xavier is at all
JennWitch15: well ok then
Bkgirl66: its the same name as the professor in x-men
JennWitch15: i know
JennWitch15: but that don't mean nothin
Bkgirl66: yeah it does
JennWitch15: all right then
Bkgirl66: yeah I wore you down
Bkgirl66: you know the deal
JennWitch15: yeah right...i'm just tired
JennWitch15: i would have won any other day
Bkgirl66: believe that if you want to
JennWitch15: lol, whatever
Bkgirl66: what are u doing up anyway
JennWitch15: i told you, shopping on ebay, but now i'm going to bed
JennWitch15: wait, what do you get a guy as a gift
Bkgirl66: cologne
JennWitch15: really
Bkgirl66: boxers
Bkgirl66: shirt
Bkgirl66: depends on what kind of guy
JennWitch15: well what should i get lamar
Bkgirl66: a naked pic of yourself
Bkgirl66: no wait, that's what I'm getting him
JennWitch15: child please
JennWitch15: lol, no you didn't
JennWitch15: see, we're gonna have to really fight now
Bkgirl66: whatever
JennWitch15: ok, ok
JennWitch15: we'll see
Bkgirl66: you ass all the way in georgia
JennWitch15: i'll come up there just to whoop you up
Bkgirl66: bring it then
JennWitch15: ok, just wait right there


Bkgirl66: no I don't
Bkgirl66: did I write that
JennWitch15: my mind
JennWitch15: lol, i bet you were scrolling up to see too
Bkgirl66: yeah
Bkgirl66: damn, you know me well
JennWitch15: uh huh


JennWitch15: oh wow
Bkgirl66: yeah
JennWitch15: so 'd' dramatic
Bkgirl66: well its her
Bkgirl66: her middle name is drastic
Bkgirl66: omg, could you imagine naming your child drastic
JennWitch15: i know right
Bkgirl66: eww
JennWitch15: lol
JennWitch15: almost as bad as brook lyn
Bkgirl66: what the "f"
Bkgirl66: get up off my daughter's nam
JennWitch15: uh huh
Bkgirl66: name*
JennWitch15: if you can call it a name, whatever
Bkgirl66: you better be lucky your ass in georgia
Bkgirl66: because you asking for it
Bkgirl66: first you talking about my man
Bkgirl66: and his name
JennWitch15: girl...whatever
Bkgirl66: now its my daughter's name
JennWitch15: yeah, and what
Bkgirl66: Eunice, you need to stop trippin'
JennWitch15: all right now do-rice
Bkgirl66: 'fore you get dealt with
JennWitch15: uh huh, you ain't ready you ain't ready
Bkgirl66: oh I'm ready
Bkgirl66: the question is if you ready
JennWitch15: i'm always ready
Bkgirl66: I find that hard to believe
JennWitch15: whatever
Bkgirl66: I have a question for you
JennWitch15: wassup
Bkgirl66: are you and lamar getting married
JennWitch15: i don't even know, i'm only 18 that's all i know...i still need to live
Bkgirl66: wow, you're not thinking about marriage
JennWitch15: nope
JennWitch15: not at my age
Bkgirl66: I guess that's good
Bkgirl66: well I'm thinking about it
JennWitch15: yeah, it's way too early
JennWitch15: really
JennWitch15: you're only 18
Bkgirl66: so
Bkgirl66: Amanda is already married
Bkgirl66: and Nat is engaged
JennWitch15: i know
JennWitch15: and so many other white girls
JennWitch15: but we are black girls
JennWitch15: we can't be doing that stuff
Bkgirl66: Cynthia was engaged
JennWitch15: for real
Bkgirl66: yeah
JennWitch15: well..."was" engaged
Bkgirl66: I say that because i don't know what happened
JennWitch15: oh ok
JennWitch15: wow, ok then
Bkgirl66: yeah
Bkgirl66: but I think about marriage all the time now
JennWitch15: that's so crazy
JennWitch15: you don't even have a boyfriend and you're thinking about it...look at me
JennWitch15: something must be wrong with me then
Bkgirl66: yeah you're probably right


JennWitch15: yeah
Bkgirl66: like seriously
JennWitch15: i guess so
Bkgirl66: ok but I'm talking to Xavier now, so I gotta go
Bkgirl66: bye
JennWitch15: you are so wrong for that, but bye
Bkgirl66: but you love me anyway
Bkgirl66: he needs my full attention
JennWitch15: uh huh
JennWitch15: i gotcha
JennWitch15: bye girl
Bkgirl66: bye

we are so great together.

well vlonerius hasn't been seen in a while. i don't know what's up with that. who knows?

and i finally see why lamar was so upset why i said i would never have sex with him. leniqua cleared it all up for me. she's so friggin smart. i oughta send her flowers or something one day. but yeah, so i gotta give lamar a phone call or something and apologize again. but that's my baby, he knows i love him regardless. ok then, well i just got off of work hours ago and i need to take my 'a' word to bed. holler.


Sunday, November 30, 2003

yeah, so riche had a 'pregnancy scare'. scary scary. but enough about that. here's something a little more me anyways:

Jenn says:
dad, are you still up
Cass says:
yes I am
Jenn says:
you are too old to be up too late
Cass says:I'm up taking some Geritol
Jenn says:
you sure need it
Cass says:
at least I am looking for the bottle
Jenn says:
ask mattie to change your diaper before you go to bed too
Cass says:
you are late baby girl.
Cass says:
She has already changed it and powdered me down too!
Jenn says:
lol, dad, you are so non hetero
Cass says:
and you are so lesbo
Jenn says:
lol, oh my goodness
Jenn says:
i cannot believe you just said that
Cass says:
Why, yo mama one....
Jenn says:
all right now, you don't want me to hurt your feelings
Cass says:
shoot for the gusto baby girl
Jenn says:
no, i'll save it for next time dude
Cass says:
Gee! Thanks for being gentle...
Jenn says:
you're lucky this time pal
Jenn says:
but next time i'm gonna hit that fat on yo head and all that space in yo mouth
Jenn says:
and that one pound of dip you ate
Jenn says:
by yourself
Cass says:
and it was very good and believe me I have eaten many more pounds of dip since then.
Jenn says:
i'm sure you have
Jenn says:
that's why your head is so fat now

holla yall.
