Saturday, May 06, 2006

yo momma so old, she saw passion of the christ live.


Friday, May 05, 2006

yo momma so black, they use her bath water to dye bowling balls.

yo momma so fat, she sweat meat loaf sauce.

Thursday, May 04, 2006


so there's this guy at work, doc, who has this thing for me. he liked me a while back, but then i kept writing him up with errors and he backed off, but since he moved to another department at transunion, and i can't write him up anymore, he's been coming around again. everyday he comes by my desk and goes, "hey miss jennifer". i'm like "wassup". then he finds something to talk to me about. he even goes and pretends that he really wants to talk to this girl who's cube is next to mine, but everytime i look up, he's looking at me. when i catch him looking, i like lick my lips and start playing with my nipples. no, i'm just playing, i just smile and continue working right, cause what else could i do? so anyway, today, he tells me that he's going to the beach for memorial day weekend. i'm like, that's cool. and then he invites me to go. he says "i'm going to the beach and it would be so much more fun if i had a girl like jennifer go with me" or something like that. i'm like, "oh, i think i'm going to atlanta that weekend". it was kinda akward, but i gotta give it to him for trying. if i didn't have a boyfriend, i'd holla. just my type too. tall, dark and thick. i love it. this one day, he called himself trying to sneak up on me and scare me. he snuck up behind me and starting rubbing my shoulders while i was typing. that freaked me out sooo bad. i was just sitting there at my computer and then i felt hands on my shoulders. but we both got a good laugh out of it. he loves when i wear my hair down i've learned, so i try to wear it up more often. it's so funny. i haven't had someone have a crush on me in a long time. the last guy was that cop from riverdale at value village. i was so proud of that one. ok, gonna go to bed now. i'll holla.

lost is really getting hardcore. only three more episodes left this season. i am so much more excited than i should be.

hardcore. i use that word all the time now and my skantch sister sam thinks she can take every single word that i use. she's so lame.

anyway, i gotta go to work.

oh yeah, darnell looks just like that dude from the xbox games commercial that goes "can we have some now mummy?" doesn't he? it's so funny.

ok then, i'll holla.


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

whoops, forgot to this do for a few days. but anyways...

it's so disappointing to learn that someone else told your boyfriend that they loved him. but whatever, i guess since i wasn't saying it to him anymore, someone had to to make him feel good. it's a little upsetting, but oh well. he wasn't my boyfriend at the time (it was during our last month long split). but how do you tell someone you love them after, supposedly, one kiss and after only two weeks? he had to have been tappin that. i know it. there's no other way. one of these days, i'm gonna find a place that does lie detector tests and i already have two pages of questions i wanna ask him cause i don't think he's 100% with me. he likes to tell stories i think.

and then all day yesterday, i started thinking about how crystal told him something about liking him and he told her "well you shoulda said something". what the hell? how f-ing rude is that? and he gets mad when i think about it and bring it up, but i'm the one that should be mad. i deserve to get mad and have an attitude. all that shit he does. now i'm getting pissed off thinking about all that shit. i'm gonna be thinking about this crap all day and i really don't need this. i feel like i really don't deserve all that shit that he's done behind my back, or supposedly. i gotta go now. i started the blog feeling ok and now i'm like all riled up. i am so heated. so i'll holla.
