Saturday, October 02, 2004

i don't remember if i wrote about this or not, but i am so tired of people asking me my age.

today at work, while i was hanging up clothes, this lady asks me..."excuse me, but how old are you." 'i'm 19.' "oh, i was gonna say 12. you look like a little girl." what the...?

people think i'm between 12 and 17. really now. come on. is it the glasses or what? ever since i took out my lip ring, i have been getting 'the question' again. i used to get it before the ring, but now it seems that i have to get it back and something else a little more drastic, i don't know what yet. i'm gonna have to switch to contacts again and start wearing makeup. i think i'll try the transformation and by the end of october hope to have everything changed. i want to look like a different person. we'll see how it goes.

-jenny "shut the hell up with that" jenn jenn
since i have nothing else to write about, i'll tell a little about myself that a lot of people might not know. let's see:

*i was a cheerleader in the fourth grade
*i have a skin disorder
*i have seven brothers (israel-32'ish, c.j.-26, alan-21, josh-17, t.j.-12, mikey-8, and landon-1.5) and three sisters (javonne-24, samantha-13, and katrina-11)
*i have a chihuahua (kyra-1.5)
*i really like the simpsons and ren and stimpy
*i love to sing, but only when noone else is around to criticize me
*i want to sing on like american idol, or i'll just settle for an open mike at a bar
*i'm a really funny person (maybe just around the people i feel the most comfortable family)
*i think i'm gonna be a forensic pathologist with my sister and start up a forensics company
*i really miss ATL shawty!
*i liked big anthony douglass in high school for like two years. he didn't start liking me back until senior year, but it was too late then. damn! he should have said something.
*i'm really not 5'3 at all...i'm only 5'2.75-d'oh!
*and the final thing about me is...i have a big ol' booty...yeah, i know it's hard to believe but i do. don't be hatin.

yep, that's about it.

good night.

-jenny "i'll never tell" jenn jenn

Friday, October 01, 2004

i've been doing a lot of thinking lately. lots and lots and lots and lots of thinking. it's time for changes.


Thursday, September 30, 2004

black girls are just...i'm so speachless. what other race of girls will, no matter how short their hair is, manage to pull it into a ponytail? i swear every black girl i know can pull their hair into a ponytail no matter how long or short their hair is. and the girls with the shortest hair seem to wear ponytails the most often and at the farthest points on the top of their heads. we are so friggin ghetto.

we do a lot of ghetto stuff too. we are so loud and when we're not wearing out ghetto ponytails, we...i mean they in this case...wear these outrageously elaborate weaves. it's so ridiculous. we wear tight jeans and have big ol' booties and talk loud and get real and snap our necks and gum and get smart and we always seem like we want to kick someone's ass. white girls are afraid of us and afraid of talking to us or looking at us wrong because, even though we might be smaller than some of them, they think we'll turn on the bitch switch...which seems to always be on in black girls...and start kicking some ass.

i don't really like hanging out with black girls.

-jenny *really not one of those black girls because if i was, me and lamar wouldn't be dating cause i don't think he could handle a ghetto black girl with him being so...conservative* jenn jenn

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

so i told lamar that i'm getting a little chubby, or he read it in the blog and he's like, 'you should do some crunches then.' what the hell!!! he wasn't supposed to say that. and he didn't even hide the fact that he wasn't even joking with me. but you know what, i am not worried about him at all. even if i was fat, i could still pull a dude, OK!!!

anyways, that's it i guess. i gotta go watch america's next top model now. i'll holla.


Sunday, September 26, 2004

so i've been gaining a little bit of weight this past year. i need to tone down what i eat a little. i usually eat candy for breakfast and lunch and then junk for dinner, so i need to cut that out.

i've been getting chubby in all the wrong places. my stomach is exploding when i really wish it would go to my chesticles. and don't let me get started on my thighs and hips. boy oh boy. that thing is like KA-POW!!! i mean, damn. but what am i saying, i never hear any guys complaining if you know what i mean (wink, wink).

seriously though, these hips that i have, damn man! they're out of control. the guys don't know how to act when i put on "those jeans". girls know what i'm talking about when i say "those jeans". those pair of jeans that you wear that just show all the goodies. oh yeah. i have so many of those jeans. uh huh. i know exactly what i'm doing.

but anyways, let me stop being all conceited.

i'm actually gonna go to sleep now. ta-ta.

-jenny "from the block with them big old hips and that big ol' booty, especially when she wears 'those jeans', damn!" jenn jenn