Sunday, July 19, 2009

i'm still here!

i've been away for a little while, but i really need to update this thing huh? well i'm in the middle of doing a project for one of my classes right now, so i'll do a brief update now and a more definitive one later.

the one thing i wanna say now is:


its official. i'll be going with riche, sam, riche's "boyfriend", another couple that riche knows and another girl. i am so excited.

i won't be booed up while i'm in new orleans so i can really have fun. torrey is cool and everything, but ya boy be blockin! that's so wack when your boyfriend blocks like that, right?

no, it's gonna be fun though.

oh, and the stalker comment i made earlier? ok, so i was trying to be nice to this person, i won't say who and i won't say what i did, but i need to be not so nice in the future because stalking is not cute. it really isn't.

what else...ok, well there's a couple of guys who put messages in my honesty box saying that they're digging what i'm throwing out there. you know, they said they think i'm really pretty and one said he sees me around campus all the time and wanted to get together one day soon. i just wish i knew who it was. i think it might be darnell f-ing around or it might be torrey f-ing around to see what i'll do. for some reason, torrey thinks that i'm that kind of girl. but whatevs. that ain't my problem. so, but yeah. torrey got all mad cause i got excited about these dudes leaving me messages in my honesty box. i mean, duh! i'm a girl, of course i'm gonna get excited when a dude tells me that i'm pretty and that he thinks we should meet cause he thinks we'd really hit it off. that to me is telling me that, "hey, i think you're really pretty. i would like to go out with you sometime. maybe have the possibility of you being my girlfriend. that means that i get to kiss you and hold your hand while we're walking down the street and we get to be around each other all the time." that's what i get from that and its really flattering when a guy feels that way, so of course i'm gonna eat it up. torrey is just gonna have to get over himself on that one.

so i keep talking about this sleeve that i'm gonna get. i really wanna get one soon. i'll probably end up starting it small and then gradually adding stuff onto it. i think i wanna get my right arm done and start it around the bicep area and eventually have my entire right arm tatted up. from writst to shoulder. that's gonna be hot (to me).

this thing that i've been saying and just wearing out now is: "i'm not trying to be rude or anything...but can you shut the fuck up?" i am killing that phrase.

my car is trying to die on me. awww.

this was supposed to be brief, but i know i have that presentation to work on and i'm trying to put it off. i ain't slick. i'm trying to trick myself, see?

sam registered for her classes for fall. she's gonna take five i think. i'm trying to coach her so she can get out in two years too. ("two years bitch, say somethin'!").

i got this little raise at work so i've been looking for a roommate. i've been living with vickey for almost two years now and i gotta say: i'm too grown for this shit. i need my own spot. well i only work part time, so i'll be getting a roommate this time around, so hopefully soon...

oh, and josh gets out of the marines at the end of this year (or so he says) and he says he gonna go to school in charlotte. he's gonna go to cpcc for a year or two then transfer to johnson and wales to do culinary arts or some crap like that. he says he's gonna get an apartment in the same complex that i used to live in when i lived down there. that's gonna be so funny, so weird. but i hope he does get his own place. that way if and when i ever come back to charlotte, i can stay at his place insteaf of my dad's. if i stay at my dads, that won't work out if i wanted to meet up with some people. been there, tried that. so, that'll be perfect.

i had this weird dream about mitch the other night. so mitch and i were talking a couple weeks back and he was telling me all this stuff. i won't get into it, but i think that's why i had a dream about him the other night. i dreamt that i was walking in the mall. i had on this short skirt and these heels right? so i'm walking out of a store and this little dude comes up and starts walking beside me. now i'm only 5'3, so this little dude comes up to me and only comes up to my waist-ish area and i look down and he puts his arm around my waist and starts walking with me. i look at this dude and it turns out its mitch! lol. i have no idea what that was supposed to mean, but it was so weird.

i was daydreaming about kissing mitch the other day. since torrey doesn't read my blog anymore, i can say that. i think one day its gonna happen. and when it does happen, i think that'll be the hottest kiss i will ever have in my entire life. cause, it's like years in the making you know? years of pent up sexual tension i guess. but yeah, i daydream about that kiss sometimes. it will most definitely one day happen; its now just a matter of when. i think the longer the wait the better it'll be.

and i was thinking about this sex thing. i actually found myself crying a couple weeks back about this whole virginity thing and about me not having sex still. but i got over it. i think that may have been my third crying episode over it. i mean, i get upset about it a lot, but i've only gotten to the point of tears maybe three times. but it is what it is. i'm over it (at the moment anyway). so i was thinking...there's at least two, maybe three guys from my past that i would like to try to have sex with after i start (we like to call it "bus' it wide open"). i'm not gonna say who they are. but two definitely, one maybe.

and sex with me and torrey. i think about it. a lot. actually, i'll say that 60% of the time when i think about it, i want to go ahead and have sex with him. but the other 40% of the time, i tell myself i'm not ready. so until i'm at 100% (cause there ain't no going back), i'm just gonna have to keep putting it off. i don't want to have any regrets.

one of my sexual of the top ones to have sex on a really squeaky bed. shhh! don't tell nobody.

so i bought this really cute dress at the mall really early last year. so its a size zero and when i bought it, it could fit and it was bad. now it's almost two years later and...dunh dunh dunh...i can put it on, but it will only zip halfway up now. that means...i need to lose a couple pounds. but fuck a couple pounds, i wanna go ahead and get down to 100. so i gotta lose about...8 pounds i'll say. that's very doable. i want to wear it at my graduation, so i better get started now. but if i start now, that means i'll have to lose only less than 2 lbs a month. that's less than 1 pound every two weeks. i'll need to lose half a pound every week. that's very doable. so i'm gonna get started now. but now i'm thinking, that dress may be too big if i go all the way down to 100. we'll see.

ok, what else?...i think that's it. i've procrastinated long enough, i gotta do this assignment.

ok, and, uh...thats it for now. i gotta go take a nap so i can do some work.

peace out!

jenny "can we get 13 road beers to go please" jenn jenn

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