Thursday, November 20, 2003

i just started this new job (at value village) and i work five days a week and it's just so crazy man. all i do is make sure that clothes are hung up right and that they aren't all over the floors. it's pretty easy work. now i can afford to pay this $3500 a semester tuition. so i work five days a week and go to school two days a week. the only day off i have from everything is on wednesdays. even then, i still have to babysit during the day.

so i'm supposed to be going to fort mill/charlotte for christmas cause my dad wants all his kids there. alan will be there from california and c.j. is supposed to be coming back from kuwait. it's gonna be a whole lot of fun, but the thing is that i have to work the day before christmas, so i don't know if i'll be able to make it down there. i might even have to work the days after christmas. but all i can do is ask, so i'll definately do that. then i'm gonna have to take off for valentine's day cause my dad's getting married. i'm gonna be a bride's maid. that should be interesting. i invited lamar, but he doesn't know if he can come yet. i was supposed to be going to go see him over the christmas break and i really wanted to be up there for our two year anniversary. but i have a job now and have to work all the time. i don't know what i'm gonna do. i really wanna go up there and see my baby. but i guess things will work out in the end.

so since i have a job now, i can finally send off for my birth certificate. then after i do that, i can finally get my driver's license. finally!!! i've waited for so long to get it. finally, my life is getting better and better. i just need to make more friends and then i'll be all straightened out.

oh yeah, there's this guy at school, i won't even call him a friend. he calls himself "alias" but his real name is nicholas, so that's what i call him, or nick. he doesn't like it but whatever. but that's besides the point. the point is that he is such a freak!!! he has these thick, ugly, stank dreds and he's so psychotic. he comes to class smelling like old, wet, musty clothes. and he's so ugly. his eyes protrude from his face and when he looks at me with his eyes and his nasty chapped black lips, it makes me wanna throw up. it's that bad. i get so nauseous (did i spell that right?) and need to turn away for a while. i've been trying to avoid him, but he always sits right next to me in class and tries to talk to me all the time! why won't he get a clue? just another more month of it. he actually made the mistake of grabbing me today. i was on my way to class and i saw him and i said that i was heading to class and i turned to leave, this mother "F" word had the nerve to grab my arm. now if you know me, you know that i don't like being physically threatened. i whipped around and gave this dude the dirtiest look and he let me go and i'm like, "what's up? you wanna scrap or what fool?" and then i started fighting this guy right in the weird is that? no, i'm just playing, i just turned around, gave him a dirty look so he knows never to do that again, had a few words with him, then went on about my business. what a psycho. he always tries to hold me up when he knows that i need to get to a class and make me talk to him or make me do something that i don't want to do. he always asks me for money and crap. like, why in the "h" word are you asking me for money? get a life man, you have a job. i can't stand him, but he thinks that we're such good friends.

and then there's my friend wade in my precalculus class. it's this white guy with this long hair that he wears in a ponytail every single day. he will not keep his mouth shut the entire class. ever since he found out that we both lived in the same town in arizona, he will not leave me alone. he talks nonstop. i just cannot stand people like that. he talks about "B S". but i guess he's not as bad as nick.

and then there's this really gay guy in my u.s. history class. now i don't have a problem at all with gay people, but this gay dude, there's just something about him that i really don't like. i don't know what it is. well i actually do know what it is. it's his voice! he has the most feminine voice i have ever heard from a man in my life. and i swear to god, it sounds like he's faking that voice, like he's trying to do it on purpose. i just can't stand it. i mean, i like the guy, he's the only person i talk to in that class and we're kinda sorta friends, but his voice is so friggin annoying. and he's so clean cut. his hairline is always shaped up and he has absolutely no hair on his face at all and his sideburns are always neatly trimmed and i even think that his eyebrows were waxed. that annoys me to for some reason. i just can't stand it. but like i said, he's a really cool person.

well anyways, i don't think that i have anything else to rant about right now so i'm gonna go find something to do. bye for now.
