Tuesday, May 06, 2003

oh, well lamar was mad at me yesterday. that's ok, i was mad too. but that's enough of that...i had my CT scan today. they won't tell me anything for the next few days. i really wanna know though. i've been taking all these tests and nobody's told me anything about nothing you know? i just hate having to wait. anyway, they made me drink four cups of some nasty crystal ice lemonade drink with crushed up pills or something in it cause it tasted weird and it was really hard for me to drink. i've been going to the bathroom all day. i hate this. now i'm so tired and sleepy. i think i'm gonna sleep for the rest of the day. then they went to put me on an IV to inject dye into my body so that they could see my organs on the CT scan...they couldn't even find my friggin' veins! the lady couldn't find it in my right arm cause it was so small, so she went over to my left arm and stuck the IV in like three or four times. i was in so much pain. but then she still couldn't find it so she got her assistant radiologist to come over and try to find my vein. she went back over to my right arm, took a good while looking for the vein again, and had to stick me twice before she finally got it. that was just way too much for me. but i can't wait to get my results back. i'm so nervous, but we'll see how it goes. ok, i feel like puking from all that water so i'm gonna do that and then i'm gonna take a long nap. i'll holla.


Sunday, May 04, 2003

wow, i hadn't been on this thing in a hot little minute. what's up guys? so, yesterday was prom. it was a lot of fun. i mean, it was REALLY fun. i saw all my friends, everybody was all dressed up with their nails done and their hair did. it was great. we all went in a group. it was me, lamar, lang, brim, brim's cousin, bobo, amanda, rebecca, and rebecca's brother john. we all went over to becky's house where we talked, ate, got dressed, got our makeup and hair done, all that. then we left for the prom. that was really fun. i danced with everyone. i danced with brim, rebecca, lamar, lang, lawrence, leniqua, MITCH, and a few other folks. MITCH was the most...interesting one that i danced with. let's just say that he got REALLY EXCITED. how doI know? well i felt it all up in my groin, stomach, my chest, all that. no, i'm exaggerating, but it was wild. he's so funny. he was pulling me in all close and like trying to hold my but-tocks to pull me in REALLY CLOSE. uh huh, i know what that was all about. he almost punctured one of my ovaries with that thing! but it was all good, all fun. 's s express' was holding it down. me and mitch were gonna have a dance-off with lamar and leniqua, but i know we would have won, so we let that one go. it was great. leniqua told me that lamar was mad when lemitch did that...grabbed me away from him to dance with him. i will say though, that mitch was VERY VERYsmooth the way he walked up to me, grabbed me, and started to dance with me. i swear to god that was one of the smoothest things i'd ever seen in my life. that's close to when lamar and i first started talking and lamar asked me for my number. the way lamar did that was so smooth too. then i danced with lawrence. i got too low for him. he couldn't handle all that jelly you know what i'm sayin? yeah you do. then trey's high 'a' thought i was drunk. i probably was. that "sparkling cider" didn't taste nonalcoholic. i think becky's parents picked up the wrong bottle. i really think they did cause i was wild that whole time. it was great. i hit the running man on the dance floor with "l-dub" aka leniqua. oh, and lang danced with four guys at the same time (bobo, john, lamar, robert). it was the funniest thing in the world. i loved it. we did the cha cha slide and the electric slide too. but they didn't play my song that night, "get low". oh well, next time. i hung out with leniqua a lot of the time there. OH!...lawrence got braces! that is so wild. why in the 'h' did he go and get braces on the day before prom and mess up shanelle's prom pictures like that. he could have waited one more day. that was messed up. now he won't even smile. he tries to hold it in, but he can't fight it when he's around me. i have that power over him. whenever he sees me or i talk to him, he just has to smile, i swear to god. oh, i saw raven. i love raven. that's my little buddy. she was looking right last night. she had her hair, nails, makeup did and her dress was pretty. she's really cool. who else...oh, natalie and her boyfriend...oh god. wow, he's not all that, but whatever. i saw pernell (nuff said). i saw mr. lowe too and i was gonna drop it on him and i asked him if he was gonna dance, but he said no, but that he might, but he didn't. i was very diasppointed. mr. daniel or mr. carr wasn't there. or at least i didn't see them. ok, well that was pretty much it. fun huh? yep. and then afterwards, we went back to becky's house. we did nothing but talk and play cards. we were gonna go bowling, but that didn't work out. matt picked us up later after everybody else had already gone. we went back to my house where i missed my curfew by minutes and was miraculously not punished for it. ok, then the day after the prom, today, was pretty fun. i got to hang out with lamar. matt picked me up and the three of us went to his house to hang out. i had dinner with them and then matt went off to work and me and lamar hung out alone for the next two and a half hours. i guess you could say that we had fun. i won't share what we did here though, but i will say that we had ALOT OF FUN. now it's sunday night and i'm ready for bed. i'm so tired. ok then. till next time. holla.
