Saturday, October 06, 2007

note to self:

never give out my number to dudes that ride marta...ever again. these dudes are losers and stalkers.


Friday, October 05, 2007

ten years from now, i'm gonna be in a completely different place in my life. i was just thinking, i'll be a doctor in seven, and hopefully have a couple kids by then. at least a couple. and married and in a house. i'm 22 and i'm at that age where i want a baby, but i'm still a virgin, so i guess i should work on that first.

and i am so tired of people i know telling other people that i'm a virgin. excuse me, but that's my business, and other people don't need to be volunteering my business. i'm not ashamed of it or anything, but geeze louise. it's enough already.

ok then, well i have to get on this studying. peace out.


Monday, October 01, 2007

the 40 year old virgin is the funniest movie i have ever seen in my life...and superbad comes pretty close too.

i saw good luck chuck, now i have a thing for dane cook. he's hittin.

i've been working out for the past three weeks, three times a week, and my body has been aching from head to toes. me and vickey joined the ymca and we've been working out three times a week. the trainer assessed us and the only thing i need to do is tone up, not lose weight. i was 107. he doesn't know, but i'm gonna see if i can get down to 100 by the end of the year. that's only 7 small pounds. i can do that and still be healthy, right? if not, i'll just put it back on. i just wanna see if i can do it.

so i've been lifting weights and doing these ab exercises and chest presses and leg presses. after the first session, i didn't feel a thing. but after the second day, my body was aching all over and it hasn't stopped since. it's been three weeks. but i know in the end it'll all pay off. i'm trying to get my body on point for when i start having sex...which will hopefully be one day soon.

i need a full body rub down in the worst way....with a happy ending (if you know what i mean). maybe i'll indulge and pay for a massage from the ymca...but they're like $70. but why pay when i can get one for free (you picking up what i'm putting down?)

anyways, i'm so lame...i better go.

ohhh, wait. the drama that is my life. ok, well i used to have about three, three and a half dudes that were "potentials". ok, so one, daniel, doesn't like me anymore because some shitty reason. because i couldn't tell that he was joking about not hanging out with me or something silly like that. but whatever, i don't have time for trivial shit like that in my life anyway. two, darnell. all i have to say about darnell, the "potential" with the most potential, is "put your ho on a leash, cause bitch is running wild". new jersey girls are crazy! it's not even that serious. they get a guy and they turn into stalkers. and, supposedly, they get all possessive like this without even sleeping with the dude (yeah right, do i look stupid to you?). they had to have something put on them for them to act like that.

but i see my problem. i'm trying to get with guys who i already have some sort of history with. that's problem number one. i need to start fresh and talk to somebody brand new....from atlanta. i called myself trying to slow down with the dating for one of those dudes, or maybe both, but i see now i need to jump myself back into the game. i realize that i'm gonna end up with someone who's not one of the three dudes i have a history with.

the third dude, lamar, isn't a potential. i just thought he should be added to the list. i had a dream the other night about him. i dreamt that he told me that he loved me over the phone and i just laughed at him and scoffed and brushed it off then hung up. i don't know what that was about. you know, i never thought there'd be a time where i wasn't in love with lamar...but i can honestly say that i'm not in love with lamar. i don't love the dude. he's just a dude to me. that's kinda sad, but i guess not really. i don't even have love for him like that. i mean, he's an all right dude. as a boyfriend, he sucks ass, (literally, no let me stop, i'm just kidding), and as a friend, he's only all right. but anyways, that's it. i swear i'm not gonna say another word about that dude in my blog again. that's my past. i need to look toward the future. and i don't need to write about darnell or daniel either.

besides, there's this dude at my school that i have a crush on. it's funny. i haven't had a crush in years. and it's not the asian dude, even though he's cute (and its so weird to me that an asian dude would like me like 18 year old asian dude at that). it's this other dude in one of my classes. he's hispanic or something. i think he's pretty young too though, but as long as he's 18, it's all good. he's not really cute, so i don't know why i like him, but we're always talking in class and getting yelled out for talking. i need to stop. messing with these little boys. i love his laugh though, and his smile.

a-n-y ways! i'm gonna go to downtown now. i have to meet with my advisor. so i'll holla bitches.
