- buy mansions in new york, new jersey, atlanta, miami and somewhere in new mexico, maybe albuquerque.
- pay to finish school, both undergraduate and medical school.
- pay for sam, darnell, and anyone i care abuot to go to any school they wanted to.
- buy my dad, vickey, and my mom houses.
- buy sam, my dad, vickey, my mom, all my brothers and sisters, some of my friends and darnell a car.
- fund an extensive underground bomb-shelter type building stocked with many animals, plants, food, water, entertainment systems, just necedssary stuff, you know, just make it really luxurious, just in case some shit goes down and i need to take a few people under for a few years.
- take a cross country trip around the united states for like a month.
- visit new mexico for a few weeks (the one place i've never been, but always wanted to go).
- pay to get some key people really knocked the fuck out...
...more to come.
peace out bitches.
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