Thursday, August 04, 2005

yeah, so i haven't written anything about DARNELL in a while. let's talk about DARNELL. it turns out DARNELL never left charlotte. he was supposed to be going out of the country to africa and london, but it didn't work out so he'll be staying in charlotte now. hmm. seeing other people? might have to pick that up again. lol, anyways.

there are just too many guys and i can't even have any kind of fun...or can i? maybe i can do it on the sneak sneak. i think i deserve to anyways, as much as i've been screwed around. that's something to think about right there i guess.

the thing is though is that i'm 20, i live alone, have a car, doing things, but not doing things. with independence like this, i can't be stuck in the house waiting on phone calls every night. that's lame. i want to have some fun. i want to be able to mingle. to go out with not just one person, but with a bunch of different people. to go on a date. to go to the movies or to the mall or go ride in some bumper cars or go hang out uptown. i need to be doing these things instead of wasting time sitting at home next to the phone all night. cause the thing is, i can't go hang out with girls, they don't like me (cause they're haters!) so i have to hang out with guys. so to keep it platonic, i would have to go hang out with ugly dudes, but i don't want to hang out with ugly dudes, so i gotta hang out with decent looking dudes who probably like me and who i probably like too. so i'm stuck there, but i think i'll go for it.

and i'm talking all this big game and probably won't even get to do it, but we'll see.

work now, i'll holla.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo Jen Jen,
I appreciate the shout out! Keep 'em comin! Hey, you are definitely talkin some big game about this whole 'Mingling' thing, I hope you don't get ya self in trouble with "You Know Who!"
holla atcha boy!