Wednesday, August 03, 2005

'coming to america' is the funniest movie in the world. one of the funniest anyways. i laugh everytime i see it, even though the jokes are old and played out. so i think i'll start quoting the movie at the end of every blog.

anyways, been so tired this week. haven't been getting enough sleep. mucho trabajo poco sleep (yeah, i forgot 'sleep' en espanol). so yeah.

i think i'm gonna get a tattoo on the inside of my arm, like underneath where no one really sees. it'll be cool. thinking about getting a bar code down there. or a bar code near my groin region. who knows. i'm gonna get something soon.

so i have a lot to do this morning. gonna go now. i'll holla.

"COMING TO AMERICA" quote of the day:
-the old barber asks why hakeem's hair is so good and soft.
...'nothing, i use nothing but juices and berries'
...'boy that ain't nothin but ultra-perm'.


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