Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Who knew that inside my shy outer shell was this social butterfly?? I LOVE this!! I feel like my life is just starting.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Finally gonna get to do the single life right :D and I couldn't be more excited!!!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

I wore my fro out all week last week and I got sooooo many people touching it and telling me they loved it. I'll definitely be doing this more in the future. 
So I just went back on my blog to 2008 and found all these blog posts that I write, but never published. Whoops. Well they're here now and make no sense. Lol. Oh well. 
Missing my boo thang :(
Was just scrolling through pics of all my brother's kids. I have 10 neices and nephews. Phew! My oldest brothers have kids, I was skipped, now my younger siblings are starting to have kids. I don't know what that says about me? Funny though, not one of my siblings is married though. I won't make that mistake at least :)
Prince William and prince Harry are in Memphis RIGHT NOW and are less than 1.0 mile from my apartment, from my bed, from me! They're eating at Rendevous BBQ around the corner from me. I could continue studying for my final in the morning or I could hang out at the restaurant with hundreds of people waiting for them to come out :) 
I've been thinking about my Princey a lot these past few weeks :'(

If I could spend the rest of my life in pajama bottoms, toe socks, a white tee with no bra, and my hair up in a ponytail, I'd be the happiest person on earth :)

I'm not cut out for the girly girl life. 

Sunday, August 03, 2014

We got ugly chicks out here taking pregnancy tests and I'm just like...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

I just want to be in his bed right now :(

Friday, July 25, 2014

I LOVE kissing his lips when he's sleeping or when he's not expecting it. And I LOVE how he licks his lips every single time he gets through kissing me. I've been kissing him for five years and he does it EVERY time. He didn't even know he did it until I pointed it out to him. Now I wish I hadn't cause I love seeing it :( I love that he loves licking me off of his lips <3

Monday, June 23, 2014

I'm not gonna lie. Hope I'm Dr. Connell instead :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

5/6/2016 is the big day. The day I become Dr. Jennifer E. Anderson and I cannot be happier!!! #badbitch

Friday, June 06, 2014

Waiting for my boyfriend to wake up from his nap so he'll answer his phone and I can talk to him :'(

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Prince William and prince Harry are in Memphis RIGHT NOW and are less than 1.0 mile from my apartment, from my bed, from me! They're eating at Rendevous BBQ around the corner from me. I could continue studying for my final in the morning or I could hang out at the restaurant with hundreds of people waiting for them to come out :) 

Saturday, April 05, 2014

With pre-clinic checkouts being Monday morning...it's very safe to say that I will be drinking and partying heavily on Monday night. Can't wait!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Woke up thinking about my bae <3

Monday, March 17, 2014

This is how I know my boyfriend loves me: he initiates a game with me on my favorite app even though he can't stand the game <3 He's so sweet. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Our kids are gonna be SOO precious :)

Friday, March 07, 2014

En route to my heart/my man, and my city <3

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

When I tell you I have come out of my shell...honey...ya gal is out there! I'm loving life right now :)))

Monday, March 03, 2014

We fight and argue, but always end up finding our way back to each other <3

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Oh the things that are seen cannot be unseen. 
So apparently my ring size is ~4.5-5.0 Just throwing that out into the universe. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Craving some intense physical affection right now :(

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I have officially been turned off from Valentine's Day forever! I will never celebrate V-Day with anyone again. This was the worst one yet. All it takes is one bad experience to ruin it for you forever and that's what it's come to for me. Oh well. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I have a cousin that's two months older than me and she just wished her son a happy 15th birthday O_o (she has three kids)

Thursday, February 06, 2014

My favorite pics from last Monty's EyeBall <3

This is just a small selection of some of my faves. I was quite wasted and apparently, I'm a flirty drunk. And I like to dance with EVERYONE when I'm wasted. 

Can't wait for next year. I'm bringing my man!

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

In other news...I'm craving some Almond Joy so bad right now!!
Going home to see my boo thang this weekend! <3

Monday, February 03, 2014

I'm really in love with this song right now. Christina aguilera does a version with the singer, but even though she's an awesome singer, the song is just so much better by himself. His voice is so simple, but so perfect for this song. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

I'm sorry, but shih tzus are THE cutest dogs ever. Someone take away my Instagram cause I can spend hours looking at shih tzu videos and pics <3
I feel like I'm coming out of my shell and becoming a nice little social butterfly. Slowly but surely and I'm loving it! :)

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I never want to taste alcohol again ever! Worst hangover ever. Killer headache and threw up five times today! Was in bed til 7:00 pm. As soon as they said free drinks...I lost my mind. I've learned my lesson for sure!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

One of my favorite new pastimes? Looking at shih tzu pictures on Instagram. <3<3<3 
Shout out to my boo for buying me this REALLY NICE winter coat. He got me exactly what I've been looking for for almost a year but couldn't find. He knows me so well! Just got it in the mail yesterday and love it so much already :) And he bought me my ticket for Days of the Dead this year! Our third time going together. And he always pays for me to come to Atlanta. And he always pays for me when I'm there and even when he comes to visit me in Memphis. He's visited me maybe 5 or 6 times since I've been here while I keep BEGGING my family to come see me and they won't :( He even surprised me one time and drove six hours to Memphis to see me <3 He told me to look outside my window one Saturday night and there he was! Shocked the hell out of me! But I loved it. So sweet. I'm just not used to this kind of love and attention in a relationship but I adore it. I'm so used to being the one paying for everything. This is so foreign to me. How sad is that? We say we love each other like 100 times a day. We hold hands. We laugh at each others jokes. We just get each other. 

Ok. I'm done gushing right now. Gonna go back to sleep. Got a busy day and night ahead of me. 
Big Day tomorrow. Good night!

Tipsy after a night out with the girls. See the red? ;)

Love the jacket boo thang!!! Love you so much!! *muah*

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Ooh. I might have to do an externship in Miami. It's beautiful!! A friend did an externship rotation in Miami and it looks amazing. I think I may choose New Mexico and Miami! :)) But wait, what about Denver?? Decisions decisions. 
I LOVE a good burger. Good night!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I look at this photo of my booski as a toddler and I just think: 'I can't wait to have babies with this guy!' He's sooo cute! He's gonna give me beautiful babies! I can't wait! <3

Saturday, January 11, 2014

It's gonna be a long semester. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

I think I'm going to do a residency in Atlanta after I graduate. Residencies are optional for optometry students. They pay very little and last a year, but you get more experience and higher pay when you're done than a person who didn't do a residency. There are so many places in Atlanta that take residents. Sounds like a good idea to me! I'm going for it!

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Lol. I feel like an old lady learning how to use the Internet/a computer for the first time. Sheesh. 
Ooh shoot. I now have access to my phone's camera roll on my blog. Dun dun dun! It's going down! Instagram and my blog are about to be live!!! #staytuned

What?!? I'll beat the whole Internet up if I have to ;) :c
I'm sad. Missing my boo thang :(

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Ok, good night!
And...One more year I think and this will officially be my longest relationship. I better get a ring with this one...I'm so tired of putting in all this work/time/effort for nothing. I'm ready for my family dammit!
And...4 years later and I still love the feel of my tiny hands in his <3
And...I'm taking this new medication and its been giving me restless leg syndrome. I jitter my leg so bad. I always did it before, but now it's just awful. I can't help myself. I do it while sitting down AND while sleeping. It's so bad, my boyfriend will get up and move away from me cause the shaking annoys the hell out of him. Lol. Oh well. 
And...can I just say that after sleeping with my boyfriend in his bed for almost three weeks in Atlanta then having to sleep alone in my bed in Memphis is SOO hard those first few nights back :( Good night *rocks self to sleep*
With that, I'm going to bed. Holla!
So I definitely want to do one extern rotation in New Mexico...but where to do the other??? I'm thinking either Colorado, Florida, Atlanta, New York City, or Alaska. I have about 7 months to decide!! I get to live in these two places for 4 months. We've been reminded to choose a place where we may want to end up working. One of the three rotations has to be in Memphis :((((( Come on fourth year!!! I can't wait. And...I'll start seeing real patients this May. In five months!!!!! I'm nervous and excited at the same time. I'll be examining and diagnosing and prescribing. I'm scared! But I got this. Just gotta make it through this semester. Didn't I say big things were gonna happen for me in 2014?? The last full year in my 20s :( I so can't wait for Haiti. I'm so happy. I love optometry school. I made the right choice :))))
Did I mention that Robert Downey, Jr. is my #2 boo now, followed by James Franco? Jason Momoa isn't even on the list anymore. I was reminded that my boos are all (more like 95%) white guys. I blame the fact that there aren't a lot of young black celebrities. The ones that are around are overrated! Interestingly, I've never dated outside of my race. Maybe in another life. 
My boyfriend told me long nails and nail polish aren't for me. I can't keep either for long. He's right. I need to keep my nails clipped and stick with clear polish. Fine with me. 
So I was 'honey blonde' my last couple of years in high school. I've decided to go red for 2014 :) The whole thing isn't red, just a section in the front. May end up doing the whole thing if I love it. It's cute. I think I do love it. Besides, who wouldn't want a red fro?
Tomorrow is a snow day so no school on our first day back from winter break! I'm so bored so I'll probably blog a few times before I turn in for the night. 
Back in Memphis. Time to grind. I have big things happening for me in 2014.  Happy new year! :)