Monday, August 30, 2010

I said once before that i wanted to have sex with a handful of people, but after thinking about it for a bit, i would be perfectly fine with just 1.


Unknown said...

Wow! That's quite a statement!

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

i suppose if i'm satisfied, i don't need to try anything else.

but i doubt thats gonna happen with one guy, so...

i said i'd be fine with just one person, but i doubt thats gonna be a reality.

Unknown said...

Even if you found one guy that could do it like you wanted you'd still get curious about other guys and even more given your circumstance. I'm not saying you'd be unfaithful but I think after finally doing the deed you'd feel cheated ( like that girl in one of your favorite movies "Seeing Other People" ).

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

its so annoying how you think you know everything. you don't. what makes you the authorit on me? you act like you know what you're talking about. you keep telling me what i should do and what i want and what i need and what i think and what would be best for me. you don't know any of those answers. only i do. it's annoying so just stop. mind your own affairs and not mine, ok?

Unknown said...

This two cents wasn't just applicable to you. This is how I feel about anyone who hasn't had sex with anyone else. I wasn't trying to be the authority on you and I didn't even suggest anything. Its difficult enough for people who have had sex to not desire other people. I don't know everything I'm just being reasonable.

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

well you already know that i think you're "two cents" aren't even worth two cents, so why don't you just advise yourself and stop trying to put your opinions off on me cause i am not even trying to consider what you have to say. you are very naive. you have very little life experience, but yet you seem to be an expert on virgins and everything else that i may be going through. when i need some advice about how to work out or how to run track, then i'd be happy to listen to what you have to say. otherwise, please keep your unfounded advice/opinions/"two cents" to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Lmao!!!!! daaaaaaannnnnnng! somebody just got served!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Ok so here's the deal. First of all what is all this life experience that you have so much more than me and how is it relevant to this little situation? All you can really say is that you've been able to pay more bills than me and that you've perhaps been more places than I have. I don't understand how living effects being able to give a sensible viewpoint on anything. The fallacy is that so many people ( including yourself ) think that you have to go through something before you can have a valid viewpoint of what's really going on and that's simply not true. What I had to say makes total sense.

This is looking eerily familiar to that time you got over excited about that job interview and yelled at me, called me a loser, and naive because I just said , " Well hold your horses. You can't be sure you have the job yet. " You went off. You got defensive just like you're doing now because either someone doesn't agree with you or things aren't going your way. So what has really happened is that you've found an easy way, albeit cheap, to invalidate what I have to say.

I'm not an expert on anything and I'll be quick to say it. In fact I don't believe there is such a thing as an expert but that's another story. One thing I can do though is make sense out of a situation ( which may sound like a very useless task but its a talent not many people have and yet its so easy ).

I was right about that job and I was right about that nigga you just let go and I can't say I'm absolutely sure about this one but the odds are in my favor. I mean come on. Why did you leave me? You got bored and it didn't help that you thought I was young, dumb, and naive to begin with. On top of that I was broke so you got out. Now back to the issue at hand. Whats to say you, unless you have or will change, won't get bored with this fantasy dude?

Let's say that he does satisfy you completely. He can't do it forever and even though its possible to stick around with somebody who doesn't fit all your needs sex is HUGE. It just seems like it wouldn't really matter in the long run because you and anyone who has read your blog since we were last together knows how your sexuality changed when I entered the picture. However, you were stuck on that, " I just want to have fun for a little while and then move on. I need to get Lamar out of my system. " Even though I had given you so much. I'm not complaining I'm just saying people don't change much and I hope you do but if you don't I can't see how this fantasy dude will be any different.

Still it kills me that you just downplay everything I have to say that doesn't agree with you because I'm younger than you, I haven't paid all of my bills by myself before, and whatever else 'life experience' I don't have.


Jenny Jenn Jenn said...


oh torrey torrey torrey, you're boring me!

sweetie, i'm only 25 and never ever claimed to have all this life experience that you portray yourself to have. that's why you don't see me giving my opinion/advice to people about what they do and what happens in their life. you keep doting out all this stuff like you've been around. you haven't. what experience do you have with virgins and with them having sex with one people or ten people? what experience do you have with what anyone's sexual desires besides your own? NONE! that's just like me giving an opinion about heavyweight boxing. i haven't been there, so what the hell am i trying to tell someone else how it is?

maybe if you have lived a little and actually been exposed to the different situations in which i refer (which, btw, constitutes life experience--being around and experiencing different scenarios which happen in life--not just "paying more bills" dear child), then i would be more than happy to listen to what you have to say about the matter. but the fact is, you have not been around. i would just as readily take your advice as i would Landon's.

and, you can't compare us by saying the only differences is that i've lived in more places than you. that's just stupid. i know five year olds that have lived in more places than the both of us combined. that statement was one in many that testifies to your naiveity. smh. and paying more bills gives you life experience? torrey, COME ON! that's like what a three year old would answer to the question: "what makes you an adult". thats yet another question that testifies to your naivety.

the problem is that you just talk out of your ass. you give these opinions which are, just what they are called, opinions. i "should have sex with my boyfriend to keep him around," and i'm "not gonna want to have sex with just one person when i try it". you give some of the most bs advice i've ever heard, but then again that's what i should expect from someone who doesn't have any experience with these things and just talks out of their ass.

i'm not invalidating what you say, your lack of experience does that all by itself.

what were you right about? what job interview? what were you right about "that last nigga i let go"? cause last i remember, i did get that BOA job you hatin ass nigga. you've always hated on me and my success. you always told me that i wouldn't be able to graduate in two years, that i was being overambitious---BUT I DID!! you were telling me that i probably didn't get that job at the bank after i had that interview--BUT I DID!! you're a hater and that's one of the many reasons we broke up. that and the fact that it was just getting boring. but the main fact was that i lost that romantic feelings for you...i was starting to feel more of a friend vibe. it happens. don't say that only you gave so much. we both did. i just wasn't feeling it anymore.

and why wouldn't my "fantasy dude" be able to satisfy me forever? people are married to the same people sometimes for their entire lives, for decades. you don't stay married that long if you're not happy and satisfied. yet another naive statement that you've made.

the bottom line is that you need to be exposed to more things before you can pull some mess out of your butt about how i should go about doing something. you're one of those douchebags who thinks they always knows whats best for someone and really, you aren't boo. far from it. who knows, if you pay some more bills, maybe you'll get that life experience you need. get a credit card. that'll work!

you feel that? that's another asshole i just ripped you. check your panties, you have blood dripping down your thighs.

Unknown said...

You missed the point again. You told me yourself that after the particular interview we fell out about that they didn't hire you. It was the interview AFTER that one that you got the job. Now as for the living in different places, I was making the exact point that IT DOESN'T give you experience. It just means you've seen the world.

Let me know when you've seen a marriage where the two have been completely happy their whole lives. People stick around because of a lot more and a lot different reasons than just the love. Oh and you weren't the first virgin I dated. You don't know my dating history like I know yours and even though I've dated more than just one virgin it added nothing to the idea that people generally like multiple sexual experiences and different ones with different people.

Oh and so you're gonna tell me that at times when you were absolutely satisfied with whomever you were dating at the time that you didn't have any sexual desires for anyone else. It'll happen again.

Unknown said...

Now about those two specific pieces of advice you remarked about. Let's look at the data. Who do you know who stays in sexless relationships under normal circumstances ( both are abstinent for what ever reason ) and are happy? NONE. Sex is a bodily function. Its like shitting. Of course not as necessary but I mean come on. Based on that and the fact that I don't know anyone who stayed with their first lay for their whole life it would seem pretty rare for it to happen. These rare cases tend to happen due to some religious belief or some other piece of dogma not because it was just sooooooooooooo damn good that they couldn't get enough.

Oh and about the heavyweight boxing. You can't give advice because you don't have any KNOWLEDGE about boxing not EXPERIENCE. That assumes that the best athlete is always the best coach and that is such a lie. Have you heard the phrase "Those who can't do teach and those who can't teach do." Well it certainly applies in some cases. So if you watched enough boxing, talked to enough people, and made enough observations I'm sure you could give advice. It just looks nice for you to have had some experience. EXPERIENCE is over-rated. That's why 'qualified people' solder or do data entry. We both know that anyone can do data entry if they were given a chance and I know that anyone can solder well after being taught in an hour or so.


I know shit about automobiles in general but I do know that if something goes wrong I find the information needed and fix it myself. YOU'VE SEEN ME DO IT. Its the same situation here.

Yeah you might be different I never explicitly said that you'd absolutely want to have more than just one sexual partner I'm saying that it is LIKELY that that will be the case. You said so yourself.

Just for the record when did I ever tell you you wouldn't graduate in two years. I may have told you it wasn't a good idea to work so much AND take so many classes but I NEVER SAID YOU WOULDN'T DO IT. My thing was worrying about your health and well-being not the fact that you couldn't do it. Shit you were driven. What was there to expect I just didn't want to have you asleep at my place so much (which happened) and tired all the time (which probably still happens because you're in a rush to get it all out of the way). I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that but it could've been much more pleasant if you actually were awake when you came to visit.

And lastly I don't feel like this arguement is going anywhere. The fundamental issue here is that you have decided and are not going to think differently than anyone else who gives me advice about something needs to have at least some experience about what I'm talking about. I on the other hand feel that even people who have experience with something don't have all the answers and that people who considers all of the data and observations - MAKING DEDUCTIONS NOT PULLING SHIT OUT THEIR ASS - tend to be more correct. The process works. Its called reasoning. I can't count the times some 'expert' with so much experience has told me to try this or do that and it was wrong and those other times I got advice and did what I thought was right and it worked out.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah I forgot something. Anonymous if you are Lance then you have to be one of the STUPEDIST (LOL) muthafuckas on the planet. How the fuck do you get caught cheating in your own email account? If you ever give your girl your email, facebook, or phone info either make sure your bullshit is cleaned up or undetectable or just get a separate one. Easy!

I bet you gave that email password over confidently too huh? I bet you thought you were being clever by deleting any emails you recieved from your ex if there were any. You can delete them sents too bruh. Man I was cracking up.

Who gets caught wit a email? LOL! I was gon let it go but you even came to my blog spittin that shit.

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

torrey, you are wack as hell. i'm SOOOO glad you thought that whole thing was funny. you're an asshole. go get a life and get off my blog. you are sweating me waaay too hard.

you may have been laughing your ass off at that whole situation, but let me tell yo feeble ass this, i would rather go through that 100 times than to have stayed with you. you bored the hell out of least that shit was exciting. i'll take that a 100 times over than to have stuck it out with you. laugh at that. i know i am.

you don't want to make this ugly cause some anonymous person said i served you. i'll take it there if thats how you gonna dish it out.

with that, i am ending this argument. you have no idea what you're talking about and all of your "opinions" are unfounded. and quite frankly, i don't give a shit what you think about what you have to say, so stop wasting up my blog space with bullshit you know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about. live a little boo. you're waay to naiive to think that you can tell me ANYTHING.

i refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person.


Anonymous said...

Lol no that comment was not from him but it does seem like what i said got to you a lil bit. why don't you take some advice for yourself, this girl CLEARLY doesn't care for ANYTHING you say. Maybe you should keep your thoughts about her to yourself because it is starting to seem like you can't let this woman go when she has OBVIOUSLY closed the chapter on you. Just a couple more cents for the "i don't give a shit about what you say" pot. ;-)