Wednesday, September 01, 2010

i've been rediscovering rachel ray's "$40 a day". me and sam used to watch this show on the weekends and during the summer at my apartment in charlotte. i really really really miss those times. but it comes on twice a day now on the travel channel. me and sam both can't stand the woman, she's so corny. she uses these made up words ("yum-o") and has this stupid ass laugh. and the number one pet peeve that i can't stand about her is that whenever they give her a lemon on the side of her glass of water or on the side of her plate with her fish, she ALWAYS!!!!! uses it!!! come on rachel! everytime?!?! it doesn't need to be used every time. she'll squeeze it in her water and on her fish. she's such a ho.

anyway, that got me to thinking about what chris rock said about her and that in turn got me thinking about torrey's little crush on her. here's the clip. its really bootleg, but its the only one i could find.


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