Sunday, September 20, 2009


so i finally got video of that dude dancing downtown. i couldn't record for long cause i had to get for work, so i got about 1 minute and 40 seconds of it. i don't know about the quality of the video. i filmed him from across the street, so we'll have to see what it looks like after i upload it. now i gotta figure out how to upload the video to my comp.

but other than is good. i had my one year anniversary at Bank of America this weekend.

if i stop f-ing around, i can have another 4.0 semester. this is my last an undergrad anyway. i'll be starting as a graduate student in the spring. i'm gonna take a year and get my masters then try for med school. i just want to get some research experience before i try for med school. hopefully i'll get something within the next year or so. i can get my masters with just 40 credit hours. i figure that that's only two semesters if i really wanted to do it. i could be done with it at the end of this coming summer. theoretically, i could get two masters' before med school in fall of 2011. hmm. i think i'll just get one and then kick back before med school starts. i still don't know where i'm gonna apply. for sure though, i want to apply to morehouse, georgia school of medicine, maybe emory and maybe the military medical school up in baltimore. but some girl told me they have a military medical school in texas too...but i still think i'd like to go to maryland over texas. i already lived in texas for 6 years...i want to live somewhere new.

but yeah, i should be done with my masters by next fall. i want to take some kind of mcat prep course sometime maybe next fall too. people supposedly do better on the mcat with that kaplan mcat prep course, so i'm gonna look into it.

halloween coming up...then thanksgiving...then new years. i always say this, but i'm gonna make some changes in 2010. i'll be a college grad, i need to be out with the old, in with the new. i'm gonna be getting rid of so many things and i'm gonna try to start up so many things. i want to take that sign language class that i've always wanted to take at georgia state. i want to take that pole dancing class that i've been wanting to take for the longest time now. i'll finally have more time starting in the spring cause my course load won't be so fierce. i'll basically have five semesters to do 40 semester hours for my masters before med school, so i can be really light. i'm excited about it.

life is going good for me right now. i'm in a good mood. and that's rare when i'm single. when i'm single, i'm usually all depressed and sad and feeling worthless, but for the past week or so, i've been feeling on top of the world.

me and sam are still apartment searching. apartments are so expensive in atlanta. well the nice ones are. we've been looking for two bedroom apartments and they ain't cheap for someone who only works part time and has to pay tuition and four or five other bills.

i'm due for another gavin degraw concert. i saw gavin degraw four times (this year? last year? i don't remember). i saw him four times and chatted with him two of those times. that's my boo. as soon as he announces that he's coming back to atl, i'm on it. tickets for me and sam.

anyways, i gotta go study. peace out.

jenny "oh yeah! sounds like she fully wants it man! and who's gonna give it to her? you are! that's who." jenn jenn

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