Sunday, September 20, 2009

i think i want to take a mini-vacation to florida for about a week after i graduate. i think i've used up most of my vacation time from work though. so maybe for spring break i'll do that. sounds great. ok, bye.

ooh, i wanna go fishing. i've been wanting to go for the longest. i guess i'll go when i go to florida. i haven't seen my florida fam in the longest.

my oldest brother israel is finally getting a son. he has an adopted daughter and three biological daughters. now his wife is pregnant with a boy. so now i'll have two nephews (cj has one son) and four neices. "auntie jenny", lol. yeah right. i should be having babies too, but whatevs. it is what it is. my time will come and if it doesn't...i can always adopt.

today is alan's birthday. he's 26. daaaaang! he has four more years. we both apparently have that disease where we look waaay younger than we really are. he was telling me he gets the same kinds of comments. people don't think he's as young as me, but they still think he's younger than he is.

i realize that i have sooo much studying to do today that i'll probably be blogging off and on throughout the rest of the day cause i'm so lazy and sometimes i like to take a lot of breaks. all righty then.

ok, i'm watching the color purple of my favorite movies. i'll ttyl. byyeeeee.

"it's jenny bitch"

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