Thursday, April 23, 2009

so my b-day has passed and gone. it was fun while it lasted. i had fun. we went to a comedy club. there was three comedians. for the most part, they were wack, except for the last dude. i forgot his name though. and then the host was tyler craig. he's that dude from comicview that always seems like he's drunk when he's on stage and he has those long dreds.

and after that, i went over to torrey's and chilled with him for the rest of the night. i had half a drink and i was sitting up there and just sipping on it for two hours. i was fine until i stood up. i was soo woozy from that half a drink. i'm usually not such a light weight. it takes a lot for me to get tipsy, but i guess i didn't have any food on my stomach, so...anyway. torrey had to pick me up. i usually drive over to his place, but he had to come get me. the moral of the story is: eat something when you drink alcohol.

i cannot wait for this semester to be over. one more week. finals are next week and then i have a week off before summer semester starts. then mcats are on august 15 for me. i was gonna make a trip to charlotte, but i don't think i'll have the time. i don't even know if i can go to sam's graduation in june. not enough time man.

i know, though, that at the end of this semester, which is at the end of next week, ya girl is gonna get fuuuucked up! josh was telling me how he had some bacardi 151 and that's straight alcohol. he said he just had two shots and got fucked up. and he drunk it straight up. you're supposed to mix that with some kind of juice or something, but he drunk it straight up. so i'm gonna have to get a bottle of that. and then i'm gonna get some of that dooby dooby doo. gonna smoke a nice joint. i smoked a joint once with xxxxxx and after i went to bed that night, i woke up and felt soooo thirsty. i went to the fridge and drunk two whole cans of soda. i hadn't been that thirsty in my life. the next day, i told xxxxxx that i had woken up in the middle of the night and drank two whole cans of soda and xxxxxx told me: "me too! i woke up and was soo thirsty, i drank these two two cans of soda that was by my bed." so apparently, it had something to do with the weed. anyway, come the end of next week, i get to cut loose. me and torrey are talking about getting a room. (just to chill in though, don't get it twisted). we're thinking about getting one for a couple of days and just wholing up in it and just relaxin. i want to go to one that has a pool and a jacuzzi though. but the thing with jacuzzis is, they usually have a ton of different bacteria. there are soo many different kinds of bacteria that live in jacuzzi water, it really is gross. you can catch so many different things from them, no matter how much chlorine they put in it. if i ever get into a jacuzzi, it'll be my own personal jacuzzi. you can get all kinds of skin diseases and rashes from jacuzzi water.

ever since i started studying all this biology, you see life in a different way. science is soo interesting. things that you never thought of before, you start looking at differently.

anyways, i gotta do something to this room. i'll holla.

jenny "we should be guiding his cock, not blocking it" jenn jenn

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