Thursday, January 31, 2008

i really had trouble getting up this morning. i only got a little under three hours last night. and the night before that, i only got about 4 hours. so in the past two days, i've gotten less than 7 hours of sleep. i will be going to starbucks this morning. or saxby's. that's opening on campus this morning. all students and faculty get a free cup today.

i have this bio quiz this morning. i'm really prepared this time. i've found that making flash cards is extremely helpful. i used to think that i wouldn't be one of those lame asses that didn't do that, but i guess i am now.

i think torrey is one of the most understanding boyfriends a girl could get. i told him that i was mad about something lamar had told me and he was so understanding and comforting to me. i was mad and sad for like two days, but he kept trying to make me laugh and make me smile and telling me that it was all ok. most dudes would have gotten ticked off that i was thinking about my ex. but he's cool. i guess i'll keep him.

getting straight a's this semester is not looking completely impossible right now. in fact, it looks very likely.

i was looking at the university of new mexico website and to be accepted into their med school, they don't require any maths!!! dunh dunh dunh!!! that means, i don't really have to talk calculus. but i will anyway. besides, i might not even get into UNM. but that's definitly my first choice. i really want to move away from everyone i know and start fresh. but the thing is, they don't accept many out of state students. they usually only take about 75 med school students a year and 97% of those are from in state. i guess i could be in that few 3%. but most of that 3% come from students that live around new mexico or have parents that live in new mexico. that really sucks, but i'm gonna apply anyway. i gotta see if there are any other med schools in new mexico.

i really need to look into doing my volunteer hours and research hours really soon if i want to get into a good med school. i don't have much time left here in georgia state.

four weeks until the gavin degraw concert...28 days. the countdown begins.

ok, TTFN (vickey loves saying this now, it is so annoying).

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