Tuesday, April 03, 2007

the sweetest thing happened to me last night. i was crying in my room because, i don't know, it just felt like the world was against me. but anyways, i was sitting on my floor like really crying, which i haven't done in a long long time, and prince walks up to me and jumps up on my lap and just starts likcing my face. i thought that was the sweetest thing in the world. i really did. it's like he knew i was feeling crappy and he made me feel so much better. of course, i started crying a lot more when he did that, but i would never have thought he would do that.

ok, so i'm felling a lot more better and optimistic today. thanks a bunch to a great new kick ass boyfriend that i don't speak enough about, but we're just tring to keep this low-key. you know i think about you though baby.

all right, i need to stop messing around and get ready for work.

oh yeah, i joined facebook. i have so many friends on there now. people i went to middle school with, high school, worked with, it's so cool. i know more people on facebook than myspace. myspace is all about random dudes wanting to holla, facebook is all about my friends. reconnecting with people. lamar dropped me as his friend on there. that loser didn't find me worthy enough to see all of his page. i'll never understand that jerk, but thankfully, i'll never have to. i really don't know what's the deal, i'm not even his girlfriend. i'm just a chick who wanted to check out his page. but i know it's only because he knows i'll find out so many awful things about him that he did. but what the hell does he care? you did me wrong, everybody else sees the inappropriate comments, let me see them. but he's being a bitch about it and there's nothing i can do. truthfully, i don't need to see it to know what went down.

on that note, i won't be talking about "douche bag" lamar anymore and that's a promise. unless he does something really really really stupid. which i don't doubt.

ok, peace out.


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