Saturday, April 07, 2007

my birthday is in two weeks. i don't know what i'm gonna do yet. then daniel's coming to charlotte the weekend after that, so i have to take him out. when i get back to atlanta, i'm gonna try to hook back up with him. daniel was pretty straight. i wish i appreciated him more when i had him.

but right now, my head is banging. the lady did my cornrows sooo tight.

i did my taxes today and i'm getting like $1500 back, so that's great, since i'll be out of a job in a matter of days. i'm so glad vickey will let me stay with her for free.

i've been thinking about what i want to do with my life. i want to move back to atlanta, finish school. go to school full time, even take summer courses to catch up as much as i can. go to optical school (they make like 180k a year, i can handle that) maybe join the army or marines as an optometrist after i get my phd in optometry, then adopt a little boy. that's what i want to do, cause i know i won't be having sex within any of that time, but who knows, maybe i'll find the one. single and in atlanta, that's hot. then i have a lot of single friends in atlanta too, even hotter.

future's lookin bright for ya girl.

peace out bitches.


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