Wednesday, March 28, 2007

wow, i haven't blogged in like four or five months. well i blame myspace. ever since i got up on there, it's consumed me.

anyways, well, me and lamar broke up again. did i already say that? well we broke up again back in september and we finally FINALIZED it last month when i kicked his ass out. at first, i was sad. yeah, for about two days, then i got angry, now i'm just at peace. out of the five years we were together, i swear to god, this is the first time that it's felt like it really was over between us and i'm not even sad about it. i'm just really happy and excited and anxious to be with somebody new.

i mean, i know i'm a pretty girl, i'm smart, what guy wouldn't want me? and i'm a virgin...what sane guy wouldn't want that? and what stupid guy would fuck that up? well lamar did, but he was...special is the word i guess. i guess he thought he was too cute or what ever the hell he thought he was, to treat me with any kind of respect. i guess he thought i should kiss his ass like those ugly little girls that just LOVED him up in new jersey. that idiot must not have known that i was in a totally different class than those monkeys. he should have been kissing my ass.

but it's all good. i've moved on. i'm hopeful for the future. i know i'll find the guy that's for me. lamar wasn't THE ONE for me, so it's gonna be fun trying to find him. or maybe it's a her. but i hope it's a him.

peace out blogger. i'll holla atcha tomorrow. we have a lot of catching up to do.



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