Monday, July 11, 2005

i almost killed myself twice already trying to drive my car. once on friday and once on saturday. not on sunday cause i didn't drive it on sunday, but i'm sure today i'll do it again. but i am getting better every day.

so i need to make a little extra money to pay off old debts when i came up with this really good plan. i'm gonna auction off my virginity on ebay. i've already thought it out and the highest bidder gets to be the first one in my goodies. i think it'll go well into the five digits. then i'll have my schoolin paid for. i gotta contact ebay first to see if it's legal. i'm pretty sure it is. no, it's not prostitution! anyway, as soon as i get the details, i'm going for it.

ok, well i'm gonna start working now. i'll holla.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah i think you need to stay off the road for a while