Monday, August 23, 2004

i haven't blogged in years, but i felt so compelled to do it tonight cause i really hate this bitch. no, i really do love her though, but i hate her fucking guts.

JennWitch15: wow, well _____, me (jennifer a.), lang, brim, rebecca, and amanda m. are very upset that we were not invited to the wedding...well i am anyways, email i wanna know what's goin on wit cha chick.

______ is no longer idle at 8:49:32 PM.

______: hey guys!!!

______: I dont think I knew you guys had my SN

______: that is cool

JennWitch15: it's just me, jennifer

JennWitch15: but yeah

______: hehe, are you in school? where at?

JennWitch15: no, i like took a year off, but after grad...i went to gsu for a semester

JennWitch15: i'm in charlotte now

______: ah I c...ya, I am taking the opposite route, trying to get it done as quick as possible..I am a junior now...just trying to get on my way since I have medschool and crap to get through

JennWitch15: wow, well that's cool i guess

JennWitch15: so you're gettin married huh

______: yah, I have been engaged since november, and planing the wedding since may...we have gotten alot done, so I am happy now...b4 I was just stressed

JennWitch15: aww

JennWitch15: to that guy

______: yah :-) ___

JennWitch15: that's so sweet

JennWitch15: well congratulations

______: thanks...yah, It's going well...dont get me wrong, sometimes I want to strangle him, but that is what happens when you fall in love with your best friend...he and I were great friends since I was 14, so it just kinda all made sense when I turned 18 and...well you know the rest :-)..everyrelationship takes work, but he makes me happy..thats what's important

JennWitch15: well i am so happy for you then, i really hope it works out

______: thanks..what about and lamar still an item...or is that ancient history

JennWitch15: still going out...after almost three years

______: that is great,where is he now?

JennWitch15: he's still in new jersey...we're trying to work it out

______: that is good, you guys were always cute together

JennWitch15: aww, thanks

______: so, are you working during this year off?

JennWitch15: yeah, trying to pay off all that out of state tuition for georgia state so i can transfer my records somewhere here in north carolina in the spring, i don't know where yet

______: where are you working?

JennWitch15: at a thrift store in charlotte and next week, i start at bojangles in south carolina

______: well, arent you a traveling girl :-)

JennWitch15: don't you know

JennWitch15: so are you working

______: if you count 15 hrs of class, 11 hours of labs, volunteering at the hospital, doing research for my thesis, doing research for the english department, and being a TA in chem labs...then ya hehehe....well I get paid for being a TA and the research ing english...but I really dont have to, because my scholarship covers all of my needs..thank god

JennWitch15: oh yeah, that's right...that's a lot of work though

______: yah, I manage, I like most of it...except the thesis work...that is excrutiatingly boring

JennWitch15: i am so sure it is

______: im writing something

JennWitch15: on what

______: on the I?M

JennWitch15: oh

______: hey, I am so sorry, _____ just tackled me and started writting

______: he was tickling me

JennWitch15: wow

JennWitch15: that's soo disturbing

______: heheh

______: no...he just likes to type stuff to make people think I am a retard

JennWitch15: uh huh

______: heheh

______: I dont know what " I am writing something" was suppose to mean..but apparently it worked

JennWitch15: oh it did

______: hehehe

JennWitch15: well anyways, i got lots to do in the morning...i'll holla at ya later

______: ok nice talking to you..._____ says bye :-)

JennWitch15: ok, bye _____, later ______

______: bye

______: have a good night!!!

JennWitch15: i'll try!!! be good

but i guess ______ is pretty cool with me though. maybe i'm just hatin.


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