Sunday, March 10, 2019

can I just say...I LOVE LOVE LOVE my little family. My husband, my baby boy, our life. I love it all so much. I could never have imagined that this would be my reality. I absolutely love being a mom. I’ve never been more in love with a human than I am with my son. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. Next up, working on our little girl...Willow. Liam is going to be an awesome big brother. Til next time.

On another note...I want to talk about a patient I recently had. I’m gonna talk about it because this was the BEST paient encounter I have ever had since becoming a doctor. This patient was deaf and brought an interpreter with her who was supposed to know sign language. This deaf patient had last been seen ten years prior and was expecting to see the other, now retired doc that she'd seen in 2010. So she was a bit disappointed when I walked in the room. She tried communicating with me through her translator, but turns out that the friend knew even less sign language than I thought. So I pulled out a little trick I learned while working at the Navajo Indian hospital in New Mexico. I pulled up a word document and set the font to really large and typed out everything for her there and handed her a note pad to communicate with me. She was so impressed with me taking the time to figure out how to communicate with her and listen to her hat she, at the end of the exam, stopped, looked me dead in my eye, and said “You are very good, thank you so much.” and proceeded to give me the biggest, most genuine hug I’ve ever had. She asked for my card at the end and could not have been happier. Oh, and during the part of the exam where they read the eye chart, she would sign a letter from the chart and her friend was supposed to be translating. But she was getting the letters all wrong. I would put up a letter ‘f’ and the translator would say that she signed ‘d’ and I’d have to say, no, that’s an ‘f’ that she signed. Or I’d have to say, ‘No, she’s right, that’s an A she signed.” And the translator would be like “oh yeah, that’s right.”  So moral of the story is...I know more sign language than I thought I did. I always wanted to learn more. That’s definitely on my bucket list.

Bye for now


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