Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Super late night at work and I just want to come home and crawl in bed with bae. But he's not here yet 😭 3 more days 

Monday, September 05, 2016

So...they have this heart shaped nipple surgery thing and...I want!! So badly! I think it's so hot. Maybe for my next birthday? 🤔

Can't sleep. In a blogging mood. 

But I guess I've said all I came to say. I've gotten less loquacious in my old age. 


1 month down here in Crownpoint, 11 more to go. I miss my Memphis family! 😭😭😭 Where me and Lance will end up, I have no idea. But we're in this thing together. 

This res is nice, but I'm a city girl. I'm trying to appreciate the scenery, the desert. It's cool.

I was thinking about Princey the other day 😢

It's funny to see what paths we take in life. Like, 5 years ago, would I have imagined myself here? No. Not even 2 years ago but here I am. 

Still have lots to do. Miles to go before I sleep.  

Sunday, September 04, 2016

This time next week, I'll be a married woman 😳

Sunday, July 17, 2016

I'm a doctor now. Starting residency day one in a couple of weeks. Will be the new ocular disease resident on a Navajo reservation in New Mexico. Getting married in about 50 days. Life is pretty good right now.


Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I've been Dr. Anderson for 10 days now. I'm just relaxing for the summer til me and Lance move to New Mexico and I start seeing patients as the ocular disease resident doc on the Navajo reservation starting in August. Life is good. Now off to Dallas/Kansas/Mexico to get turnt!

Saturday, April 16, 2016

I don't think I ever posted this but I got matched to a residency program on match day last month so me and Lance will be spending a year in Crownpoint, NM as I work for the Indian Health Service! I'll be working with the Navajo Nation as the ocular disease resident! How cool right! So we'll be living on the Navajo reservation and it's like 40 minutes to the nearest town/store/restaurant/Starbucks/movie theater. I mean, this place is REMOTE...out in the middle of nowhere in the desert. Absolutely beautiful scenery though. Since there's nothing to do, Lance and I will be certainly getting "it" in. We're excited though. After I finish this residency next summer, I'll be making all kinds of money. All kinds. Residency trained optometrists make way more than non-residency trained docs. One quarter of my class got matched to residency programs. 

Anyway, until next time. 

Thursday, April 07, 2016

He calls me baby and 6.5 years later I still melt...every time. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Geeze. Less than 6 months til I'm somebody's wife 😳

Never thought that day would ever come. 

Sunday, February 21, 2016

I'm gonna be his wife in 201 days. Wow.
74 days til I'm a doctor. Wow.  
May can't come here fast enough! I'm excited! I graduate and I get to be Dr. Anderson (for just a few short months. I'm still deciding whether to keep my maiden name as my professional name and my married name in my personal life. I've wanted to be Dr. Anderson for too long! We'll see.

Also in May...Cancun! Going to Texas, then road trip to Kansas, then back to Texas for our flight to Cancun. Ladies trip. I can't wait.

Also in May...I hope. I get my sleeve.

Whether it happens in May or's happening in 2016. Perhaps I should wait til after the wedding though so I won't have it in the wedding pics. Not sure how his family will feel about my sleeve.

Then in September, the big event. I become Mrs./Dr. C. Sheesh.

I'm pretty happy.

Monday, February 15, 2016

I've been dreaming about my teeth falling out again which we know is supposed to mean that my body is telling me that I want a baby soon. But I'm not so sure about that anymore. Not sure if it's in my cards anymore...

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Finally updated my profile after how many years?? This blog is like 14 years old! Not much has changed in 14 years either :)
Desperately need to be kissed...