Monday, September 06, 2010

so after this semester, i only have nine more credits that i need to graduate. so i'll be graduating in may. that means i'll be free to apply to jobs...unless i still wanna try for medical school. but i'm not sure if i want to at this point. i just want to go ahead and get a career started. i'm gonna be 26 soon (damn!) and i don't think i can handle like 7 more years of school. i'll be around 33-ish and have a but load of debt to pay off.

by that time, i already wanna be married with a house and kids and be already established in a career. so i was thinking about all this and i think that after i get my masters in a few months, it's time to make big moves. over the past few days, i've been doing some research. i found TONS of jobs out west that i can actually do! jobs that only require that you have a master's in biology (experience is not required), so my hopes are really up right now. i think i'm going to start applying for those jobs around March. and hopefully by this time next year, i can be long gone from atlanta, georgia. i really only came back in 2007 to finish up school. i did plan on going to medical school here and working in the area, but atlanta wasn't as cracked up and great as i remember it being. i'm ready to peace out of this lame ass place. start fresh somewhere else. and the possibilities are really exciting to me.

so hopefully by this time next year, i'll be blogging in a new state and happy to be working in the science field and not being in school anymore. being a career student just isn't for me.

i'm 26. i'm a virgin. but again, i'm 26. i've wanted a family for a really long time. i come from a really big family. both my grandparents had over 10 kids a piece, i'm one of 11 kids. i want to have kids too. and if i don't get to have 10, that's fine too, i just want some. and i'm tired of meeting these loser "boys". i need to meet a good "man". these boys around here, especially georgia, are kinda wack. so are these old ass men that keep trying to holla. out west, i'll be looking for a 30+, mature man with a job (with benefits), car, his own place (house, not apt...30 is too old not to have your own house). i just can't deal with the immaturity these young dudes bring to relationships. and i can't have ex drama. as soon as i know of ex issues, i'm out. i can't do it.

but anyway, i've been working on revamping my resume to add by B.S. and then my M.S. and...i cannot tell you how EXCITED i am about finally getting to New Mexico and moving on. i'm only gonna renew my lease for 6 months in april and not for the typical year because i'm really not planning on being here. which means that packing now wouldn't entirely be out of the question.

well anyway, i've been enjoying my labor day weekend. i got quite a few things done. got a HELLUVA LOT of sleep. it's been a good weekend. hopefully next weekend will be just as awesome.

ok, gonna do some more cleaning then get some more sleep. peace y'all.


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