Thursday, July 08, 2010

And my babies would be really good looking...obviously!


Unknown said...

bahahahaha at anonymous

Unknown said...

I wish the best for you and I see that you're hurting pretty bad and you of all people should know how much of a sucker I am for people in pain. You also know how hard I tried to help ease your pain. None of this is really necessary accept that I'm letting you know that I'm sympathizing and being encouraging AND you had to already know that I'd comment.

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

whatevs torrey.

Unknown said...

whats with the whatevs? I was being honest.

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

you assumed i wrote this blog just for you to comment on. it's not about you boo...get over yourself.

Unknown said...

man there you go again. That is soooo not what I meant. I was saying that out anybody reading you probably had a good idea that I would be reading and would be likely to comment. As a matter of fact I can't believe you spilled the beans like you did. I thought no one else would find out but the fact that its online now makes it obvious to me that this wasn't JUST for me. I was actually shocked to see you write this in your blog.

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

what beans did i spill? i was talking about pedophilia. besides, most people who read my blog already know my business. and get over yourself...this blog wasn't for you or for anyone else. calm down.