Thursday, October 15, 2009

i haven't blogged in several days.

i've been good. i can't complain. i bought my cap and gown. i got my invitations all set and ready to go. i'm taking some cap and gown pics tomorrow. i'm taking the GRE sometime next week (probably Thursday). I have two more months until graduation. I'm feeling good.

so here's the current situation with me and torrey. there is no situation. we had recently started hanging out again, but he seems to be tryiing to push the whole us being back in a relationship thing. but like i keep telling him, i don't want to be in a relationship like that with him right now. i mean, i enjoy hanging out, but for the first time in my life, i don't want to be in a relationship. i don't want to be exclusive. i just want to be single and play the field.

so the other day, torrey just assumed that we were together (because i had asked him about some condoms he had in his room and got mad about it). but i let him know that we weren't and he hasn't talked to me since. whatevs. like vickey LOVES to say..."fuck the dumb shit".

so torrey doesn't want to have anything to do with me anymore. he told me he's tired of wasting his time. whatevs! again, "fuck the dumb shit."

ok, i'm gonna go study now. peace out.

ohhhh, i need to post the gym class heroes pictures and video soon. the show was hot.

ok, bye.


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