Wednesday, September 09, 2009

i am feeling so bad today. i don't know what i ate yesterday, but whatever it was had my body all jacked up.

in other and torrey are back together. surprise surprise. you know, that's just me. that's just how i do what i do.

see...i don't even give it up and i still pull 'em in. ok, so a guy gets their foot in the door with me, they find out that i don't have sex, they stick around thinking that they'll be that one to change me and if not, they'll just move on. but what always happens? i get 'em! yeah, that love bug hits 'em strong and they don't know what to do. lol. they can't get enough of my jokes, my smile, my laugh...just me. so i'm starting to think...i can have perfectly healthy sexless relationships forever. i don't ever need to have sex to have a good relationship. of course that's not gonna happen cause i DO want to eventually do it, but i don't really have to be stressing myself out about it because there's always gonna be a guy who wants to be with me whether theres sex or not.

i mean with torrey, he could have chosen to stay broken up and gone off to be with someone else who he had at least some chance of sleeping with, knowing that he wouldn't be sleeping with me. but aaahhh...guess what?! ya girl got it locked down. ;) usually it's me who tells him that i want to work on it again after a few days or a week or two. but it's been a couple months now and he hadn't heard from me, so he actually contacted me first and said he wanted us to try it again. i really wasn't excited about trying it again at all. actually, i kinda refused at first, but then he asked that we at least try it and we did and so far it's going all right.

so now i'm feeling good today. it's 9-9-09 (oooooohhhh). i spent sunday and monday with torrey for the most part. i went to his place after i got off work sunday and slept over there then we just hung out for the rest of the day and then again the next day. it was good. it was nice.

ok. well gotta go. peace out.

ohhh...i finally bought Superbad on dvd today and i am sooooo excited about it.

and i forgot to talk about what happened to me the other week at my volunteer thing. i volunteer at the aids clinic right? so this guy (a regular) always hits on me and this dude was sitting there telling me about taking his meds and how he was finally starting to feel really good and this and that. well then he asked me if i had a man and that he would treat me really good and asked me if he could take me out. i'm just like...HELLO! not this time, but thank you though. i mean, this dude has AIDS and he wants to take me out. i'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. but asking a girl out means you want to eventually have some kind of intimate moment with that person and that ain't gonna work. so that was akward.

all right, ttyl.

jenny "apparantly someone has an exam" jenn jenn

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