Thursday, August 13, 2009

my wisdom teeth are gone and i am in so much pain!

they gave me the nitrous oxide and i wasn't even laughing! it didn't work. i feel asleep quickly after the IV anesthesia. the whole thing took about 45 minutes. torrey took me. when i woke up after it was done, i was supposed to get into this wheelchair, but i couldn't, so torrey had to put me in it. they rolled me out to the car and torrey took me home. he was so sweet for doing that.

today, i felt like shit. i could really have used a boyfriend type thing today. somebody to hold my hand and stroke my hair and make me soup and let me lay my head in their lap all day to fall asleep in. ah-well.

this morning after the surgery, i was talking and my mouth was just full of blood and blood was dripping down my face and onto the coffee table. lol, it was so gross. it was terrible. but it's good now. it's still doing some spot bleeding and my jaws are so swollen. i look like a chipmunk. no, it's really not that bad.

ok, well i'm gonna go back to sleep. this medicine they gave me for the pain knocks me out. i don't know if i'll be going to work tomorrow night or what. ok, good night.


jennifer a.

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