Friday, August 21, 2009

my teeth have been hurting again. i just took one of these pills they prescribed me, so i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be in for a really vivid, weird dream tonight.

i totally forgot about this dream i had the other night. it was the most real dream i've ever had in my life. it was like i was watching a movie on tv. i was in a thrift store shopping for clothes and then my friend lawrence comes in with another friend of his. they start talking to me and then his friend pulls out a video camera and starts taking pictures of me. then he starts taking pictures of other girls in the store and then all of a sudden, we're like at a rest stop (like off a highway) and lawrence's friend is using the zoom function on the camera to take pics of girls in cars that are passing by on the highway. well the friend takes a pic of one girl and i guess the girl was a passenger in a car driven by her boyfriend cause the car stops and slows down and then backs up after the friend takes the pic. we all get scared and try to hide behind something when we see the car back up. then it cuts to like an arial view from a helicopter and its all grainy like a surveillance video camera and we see two dudes get out of the car and run out of the shot and then run back into their car...but two police cars with their sirens blaring come up and out with their guns drawn and arrest the two guys.

apparently the two guys went and put something underneath a car that was parked at the rest stop. so they didn't know what it was, so they call in this specialist or something to go in and see what it was. so the guy is looking under the car and feels something. he pulls it out and it's this huge flaming piece of material. once he pulls it out and sees what it was, his eyes get huge. like popping out of his head as he's holding it. and as soon as his eyes get all big, the burning thing he pulled from under the car suddenly flames up and his whole body just catches fire quickly. it spreads from the material to his hands and then all over his body. then the guy just crumples over all slowly and dies. it was so real. seeing the look on his face when his eyes got all big when he saw the firey material and then watching him slowly crumple over after he was all in flames. it was soooo real.

and then they come over and interview me and all i keep talking about his how the guy died and the look on his face when he did.

so weird.

and the dream i said i wasn't gonna talk about a few days ago. well since i'm on a role, i might as well. so i had taken this pain medicine for my teeth and fell asleep and this is the dream i had then:

i dreamt that i was sitting on a bench somewhere talking to a friend when crystal (yeah, the one i can't stand) comes and sits next to me. now, i don't want to have anything to do with her, so i just pretend like i don't even see her. well after me and my friend stop talking, crystal starts talking to me and tells me how my ex and her were messing around behind my back but how she thought he was such a loser now and that she was sorry that we didn't like each other because of him. it was sooo odd. so we were sitting around talking shit about him and ended up friends in the end. now mind you, i had just taken some powerful narcotics, so i was extremely out of it when i went to sleep.

i took another of those pills a little while ago and i am soooo looking forward to what dreams i'll be having tonight. hopefully a sexy one ;)

jenny "i'm gonna give you the best blow jay ever...with my mouth" jenn jenn

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