Wednesday, August 26, 2009

lately, every single time i step on the scale, my weight just keeps going down and down. usually it goes down, then back up, then back down, then back up. but now it's going down and down and down and down.

i guess this is generally what happens when i have a breakup. i lost a lot of weight when me and lamar broke up one time (from where, i have no idea) and it looks like my body is trying to do the same thing. i think it's me and torrey's break up plus the fact that i just do not have time to eat on most days.

i have class five days a week, i work four days a week, and i volunteer three days a week. i am sooooo busy. on some nights, i only get 2.5 hours of sleep. on a good night, i can get 6 or 7 hours of sleep. but that's only like two nights a week.

i got mistaken for 15 years old the other week. the paramedics were at our house checking up on vickey and so i had to go pick up sam from the train station and when i got back they were like..."should you be driving? how old are you?" you should have seen the look i gave this woman. i stared at her for a while and then i said "i'm 24." she was like "ohhh! oh my god, i thought you were, like 15. i was gonna ask are you old enough to be driving." then she did this stupid laugh.

then today at the post office, the dude mistook me for 17. i laughed and said i was 24 and he had the same reaction as the other chick. and then another lady at the post office thought i was 16 and had the same reaction too. it does get really annoying when this happens, but i really can't be mad at it cause in about 10 years when all my peers and i are well into our 30s, i'll be all Demi Moore/Halle Berry on they asses. so i'll take it and love it.

i think that's part of the reason i like to get tattoos and piercings, to make me look older. but then i grew to love them, so....

ok! goodnight!


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