Thursday, April 09, 2009

"Are You Obsessed"

i gotta see it. looks really good. it comes out the weekend of my birthday, but i have to work :( i'm gonna have to wait some other time to see it. i have not been to the movies in a long time. i work four nights a week now and i have eight classes. i just don't have the time. sleep is so precious. you don't know what you have until its gone.

but yeah, i gotta see this movie. i don't get how girls go psycho over a guy where they want to hurt the guy or even the girl that the guy is with. it's's not that serious. pack up and move on. i can't see myself fighting for a dude like that. too many other dudes out there.

so i applied for this internship for the summer. it's a "chemist intern" at some biotech company and i was one of like fifteen people chosen as a finalist for it. i hope i get it. i need some lab experience that's outside of school. plus it sounds like fun. working in a real lab for twenty hours a week. and it's a paid internship. pray for me.

the semester is almost over. i think we have like three more weeks or so. i cannot wait. after the semester is over, i have one week before maymester class begins. then one week after that before the regular summer session classes begin. during those weeks, i am gonna get so much sleep. i may go to charlotte during one of them...maybe both...but i do want to go see my mom soon. she's been asking about me.

i'm graduating in december and my mom is gonna come. i'm most excited about her coming. then my brothers israel, alan, josh, and landon will be there. tj, cj, mikey and katrina won't be there. i wanted all my brothers and sisters to show up, but that's not gonna happen. cj will probably be in afghanistan and tj, katrina, and mikey will be at home. sam is coming. my dad and mattie will be there. my cousin mane and maybe my aunt patricia will be there. vickey and james and landon are gonna be there. alan is coming from korea just to come, so that's cool. after i graduate, i'm gonna plan for us to go to this japanese restaurant in atlanta that i've been wanting to go to, or we'll go have drinks somewhere. i'm excited. i've worked so hard and its finally paying off.

i still haven't signed up to take my mcat. i want to take the one on august 6th. i just need to brush up on my physics. my physics suck.

i'm talking about a little of this and a little of that in this blog. i'm so bored right now. i have a five page paper to write tonight and an orgo quiz to be studying for right now, but i'm putting them off and trying to find everything else to do but them.

so me and torrey fell out again. he told me that if we couldn't be in some sort of sexual relationship, then we should just be friends. and hey, that's fine. i'm not one to buckle for a dude. i'm not gonna compromise what i do and do not feel like doing just for a dude. this is not the first time this has happened to me, and it won't be the last. i'm just gonna let them fall off my shoulder and keep it moving. i didn't want to talk about it, but what the hell. i haven't talked to him in almost a week. what do you say after someone tells you something like that? anyways, it is what it is.

i heard this kelly pickler song and it stuck. i hated the song, but loved the lyrics:

"Best Days Of Your Life":
'Cos I'll be there, in the back of your mind
From the day we met 'til you were making me cry
And it's just too bad, you're already had the best days
The best days of your life

Ain't it a shame?
A shame that everytime you hear my name
Brought up in a casual conversation
You can't think straight

And ain't it sad?
You can forget about what we had
Take a look at her and do you like what you see?
Or do you wish it was me

'Cos I'll be there, in the back of your mind
From the day we met to the very last night
And it's just too bad, you've alreasdy had the best days
The best days of you life

And does she know?
Know about the times you used to hold me
Wrapped me in your arms and how you told me
I'm the only one

I heard about
Yeah, someone told me once, when you were out
She went a little crazy ran her mouth about me
Ain't jealousy funny?


...with me was a fairytale love
I was head-over-heals 'til you threw away "us"
And it's just too bad you've, already had the best days
The best days of your life

I heard you're gonna gt married
Have a nice little family
Live out my dreams with someon new

But, I've been told that a cheater
Is always a cheater
I've got my pride, and she's got you...

'Cos I'll be there, in the back of your mind
From the day we met 'til you were making me cry
And it's just too bad, you've already had the best days
The best days of your life...

Of your life
Oh, oh, yeah
You're gonna think of me
You're gonna think of me in your life
Oh, oh, yeah
It's a shame, it's a shame...

those lyrics are deep.

i bought some guitar strings today and some guitar picks. one of my strings to my guitar broke. i gotta fix it. i wish i had some time to learn to play it. i'm working on it though. and my drums! i gotta get on that too. i know this dude who has been playing for like nine or ten years. he said he'd help me anytime i'd ask, so i need to hit him up...when i have time! time is my biggest enemy. i want to get started on the drums first, then i'll pick up the guitar.

josh is finally starting to pay me back my money. the first thing i'm gonna buy: a pole...a stripper pole. my room has way too much stuff in it, so i'm gonna put it right in the middle of the living room. it's gonna be so great. i can't wait to get pics of that. you can buy a portable pole for like $80 or $90 and they hold up to like 300 lbs. you snap it right into place and that's it. it's so cool. when sam gets here, i'm gonna get her to take this pole dancing class with me that they have downtown. nobody i know wants to pay the money for the class, so i'll just pay for me and sam to take it.

my phone charger broke, so after today, i'll be SOL on the celly for about a week. or whenever i have time to go get a new charger. the only three people who i ever really call or text are torrey, sam, and vickey...and in that order. now josh is slowly creeping his way up to number three.

did i mention that i don't like ultimatums? betta recognize.

i want to get another tattoo on my arm. i want it to cover my entire right upper arm. i don't know what i want it to be yet...maybe i'll get alan to design something for me. i want it to be colorful too. yeah, i think that's definately gonna be something i'm gonna be looking into getting before this year is out. i want it from my shoulder to my elbow. i'm thinking its gonna be a mirage of something. i want a taurus symbol...the bull...behind my left ear. maybe i'll get a DNA symbol on my inner right hip, or the medical staff (that stick with the two snakes symbolizing medicine). if i go to med school, i'll get the staff. if i stick with biology and do microbiology, i'll get the DNA. we'll see. i can point out to people: "here's the A-T hydrogen bonds; here's the G-C hydrogen bonds; here are the nitrogenos bases and the linking riboses and deoxyriboses and the pyridines and purines. here's where they attach, lose a water via condensation of the phosphate group,..." lol. i can imagine sitting there telling someone all about it.

i like to kiss. i like really slow kisses. i like soft, slow kisses. not too much tongue, but just enough. i like deep kisses too, but i think i'm starting to prefer the softer, slower ones. i like holding hands and just lying in bed and doing nothing. that's the beauty of virginity. it's really laid back.

so fuck you!

jenny "you don't want girls thinking you suck dick at fucking pussy" jenn jenn


Unknown said...

yeah. I like slow kisses. not too much tongue but every now and then a hint of some. I also like to bite the others' bottom lip and like mine bitten. I like to run my hands through the hair and slowly stroke the face and back of the head. I don't need sex either and I like to lie in bed with that other person and feel their warmth. But you have to admit that once you kiss just like the person you're kissing that other things are a very tantalizing idea which can be frustrating to a point but then you have to realize that its okay you can make it without it. Its more about the time you spend with the person than in what specific way you spend it. That's how I feel and I just didn't want all of what I had gone. It was good until it got too good. I do know though that she misses me and I her. Sometimes you wish you can start over. I'll bet you can guess who this is.

Unknown said...

yeah. I like slow kisses. not too much tongue but every now and then a hint of some. I also like to bite the others' bottom lip and like mine bitten. I like to run my hands through the hair and slowly stroke the face and back of the head. I don't need sex either and I like to lie in bed with that other person and feel their warmth. But you have to admit that once you kiss just like the person you're kissing that other things are a very tantalizing idea which can be frustrating to a point but then you have to realize that its okay you can make it without it. Its more about the time you spend with the person than in what specific way you spend it. That's how I feel and I just didn't want all of what I had gone. It was good until it got too good. I do know though that she misses me and I her. Sometimes you wish you can start over. I'll bet you can guess who this is.