Sunday, March 22, 2009

so torrey is really mad at me right now. and its so stupid. ok, so here's what happened:

during my spring break, i bought him this poo log cause he's always telling me: "jenny, i took a huge dump today. i'm so regular." so i bought him this poo log from spencers where he can sketch his poo and rate it and describe it and all this. i thought it was cute.

so today, i was thinking, whenever i start having sex, i'm gonna keep a sex log. i'm gonna write down the person's full name, date, time, duration of coitus, and i'm gonna rate the performance. so i was telling torrey that i was gonna do this and he was like, 'well you're only gonna have sex with one person'...or something like that and i was like 'ex-squeeze me. i may be a virgin and i may be a little apprehensive about sex right now, but i do know that when i finally do start having sex, i don't want to have sex with just one person in my life. i don't want to be a whore either, but i don't want to be with just one person. i'm not gonna put a number on it, but less than a handfull, ok?

so anyway, he was like "well what are you gonna do when you get married cause i know you want to get married soon" and really, i guess i'll cross that bridge when i get to it. and to set the record straight. i don't want to get married right now just because. i want to be with the right guy. i do want to start a family, but i need to be with the right person and at the right time.

so now he's all upset with me and saying how he's wasting his time if i feel that way and i'm like "woah! who said i was even gonna sleep with you? you need to get over yourself right now." i don't know, i think he's a little too optimistic about us having sex. he must have forgot that i was with a tool for over five years and didn't sleep with him. and yeah, i realize that it's different with me and torrey, but still. but i think that torrey expects me to sleep with him and then not sleep with anyone else ever after him. i'm sorry, but that is totally unrealistic. i mean, he's had sex before, so it's kinda hypocritical.

he's trippin. he won't answer my calls or texts now, but it's all good. i'll let him trip and then get over it...or do whatever he needs to do to relieve himself. he's starting to get on my nerves now.

having said that...let me write about what i wanted to write about before all this crap happened.

there's this gay dude at work that i kinda have a crush on. but it's ok cause he's gay. but anyway, he's black and tall and he's super gay. but when i first started working there, i used to imagine sneaking out to the parking lot with him and making out with him. torrey isn't gonna be happy about that, but this is my blog. this is supposed to be about me and my thoughts and my feelings. i kinda wish i didn't tell him about this blog, cause there's so much more that i would have written in this thing. i'm thinking about starting up a second one just for myself. i won't tell anybody what the address is.

but anyway, i used to have a crush on him. not anymore, but used to. he said something to me about these pies that i made for work and i kinda got nervous when he was talking to me. it's so stupid.

oh, about these pies. so i made these cream cheese pies one time for a pot luck that we had at work and ever since then, whenever we have a little get together, they want me to bring those pies. well this past weekend, we had a little st. patrick's day get-together and i made these pies and put green dye in them and they were soooo good. there's this one chick at work that always tries to steal one (a whole pie!) but i always cut that short. i'm talking about nothingness right now.

i'm gonna go study something. i have two presentations to give next week and one exam next monday, so i gotta go.

peace out snitches.

jenny "mommy's making a pubie salad and i need seth's own dressing" jenn jenn


Anonymous said...

LT is definitely a tool and didn't deserve to get laid after all he put you through. Good call! Sex is overrated and when you are ready it will be well worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

That 1:00:49 PM is a tool, both of you are correct.

Anonymous said...

Seeing what he did to you makes me so turned off to him, that just isnt cute. He plays himself off as such a gentleman. But he is just a big jerk underneath it all.

Jenny Jenn Jenn said...

who are you talking about?