Thursday, January 01, 2009

well, it's 2009. we all stayed home. it was me, sam, vickey, landon, and vickey's brother and his two sons and vickey's sister and her husband. we all pretty much sat in the living room and watched some comic view and then watched the ball drop. it was ok. i just hope next year is a lot more memorable.

so i'm being forced to say this (not really) but torrey says he will not stay with me if i cheat on him. (i still think he will).

moving right along. i've been told by a few guys that i seem hard. emotionless. i don't express my feelings as openly as most females do. i don't say 'oh i love you so much' or any of that. but that's just me. i don't know where it comes from or why i do it, but i'm gonna try to be more 'soft' about it. maybe it comes from having so many brothers and growing up with them. we're just not that way. i was a hardcore tomboy for the longest time until i got into high school. i think that's where it may come from. but i will work on it for the new year.

i will attempt my first video blog in a few short days, so i hope that goes well. we'll see how it turns out.

well all righty then. i'm bout to go cause you ain't even talkin about nothin. yeah yeah yeah, ok, love you to. bye.


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